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Omniscient POV
Moving Day

" well it ain't all that bad i guess" Saiyor sighed and shrugged as she finished decorating her fully furnished room at angela and kevin's home.

Saiyor thought about staying in the group home but somehow sarai and sequan convinced her that staying with angela wasn't so bad. She really didn't like the idea but she did miss calling someplace home so she gave in and so far it seems to be going great.

" ouu i wonder if- oh um hi." saiyor weirdly waved at her little brother who stood at the door shyly watching her.

Jordan didn't say anything back he just waved at her. Angela came peeking around the corner and saw her youngest standing there and laughed at him tickling him a little. 

" i'm sorry about him he's just excited." angela apologized picking jordan up and saiyor nodded.

" how are you feeling about the move?" angela asked curiously wanting to hold a conversation but saiyor didn't feeling herself getting sleepy so she just nodded. 

" well i'll see you later." angela sighed in defeat then walked out of saiyor's room.

" time for a well needed and deserved nap."


" Garrett sweetheart! We're leaving again for another casino trip we'll see you when we get back !" His parents said and he mentally groaned before standing up. 

" Oh thanks for letting me know and I Love you guys too" he scoffed before walking into the kitchen. His parents noticed his all of a sudden attitude and walked to the kitchen to see what's wrong with him. 

" tell us what's wrong son, but make it fast the moneys calling!" his father said looking down at his watch. 

"THATS THE PROBLEM! I can't get a decent day with you guys without you guys prioritizing money before me. Have you guys once told me you loved me or even asked about my day at school ? no because if the money's fine so is everything else." Garret expressed and his parents both watched each other confused as to where this all of a sudden anger has come from. 

" son we're sorry if you wanted to come with us to the casino that could be our way of bonding." his mother said shrugging not knowing what to say.

" you know what...never mind." garret said giving up at that point and walking off.

" by the way i've gotten 10 offers to schools that I wanted your help deciding and celebrating about but i'm not in the mood anymore." he spoke before dismissing himself up the stairs. 


" hey umm angela and mr.kevin" saiyor said and they both turned they're heads from the tv. 

" i'm going out with a friend, i'll try to be back before it gets dark." saiyor said and angela looked at kevin before they both nodded.

" be safe sweetheart"

" call us if you need anything" they both said and she walked out the door and ran to the car. 

" wassup" miles said as saiyor slid into his passenger seat.

" hey" said smiled leaning over the console and hugging him. 

" new house huh ? i think it's fate now that you literally live down the street." Miles said and saiyor laughed. 

" you ready to go ?" he asked and she buckled up her seat belt nodding. The driver over to saint house where the YEC group was meeting for the first time in months. 

" how you feeling ?" He asked her and she shrugged her shoulders. I mean it ain't nothing to feel but relief now that all of this mess is cleared up." she said and he nodded.  

" well everybody missed you and is excited to see you." He reassured and she nodded smiling seeing as she missed them too and she kissed school.  

Once they got to Saint's apartment, Nae opened the door and rushed saiyor with a hug." Heyyyy"
She said as she squeezed saiyor into a hug. 

The same gesture followed with everyone as she walked into the living room. " How does it feel to be free ?" Nate asked and sai just shrugged. 

" not that bad i guess" She stated and they all nodded.  

" how about y'all ?" she asked and some of them shook they're heads, shrugged and gave an unreasonable look.

" what?" Saiyor asked confused. 

" It's just graduation is coming up and everything just all piling up at once." saint spoke out of the whole group. she had forgot some people in the group were seniors. 

" yea the only good thing about it is the scholarships" damien said shrugging and they all nodded agreeing. 

" i feel like y'all got this and there's nothing stopping y'all. So when y'all are don't I can't wait to see y'all walk across the stage and Go to prom, Imma cry like a proud mom." Saiyor said making the group laugh. 

" Isn't your birthday coming up sai ?" faith asked and saiyor did the lil debby ryan move excited as hell.

" yea it's next saturday, im so excited." she said dancing in her seat.  

" what are you planning on doing ?" garret asked. 

" i don't know yet but i'm still excited to be 17!" She cheesed still dancing.

" I know that's right !" Nate and D'neyah said hyping her up.

" Alright , y'all down for a game or sun ?"


" Bae !" D'neyah yelled through the apartment looking for saint. 

" In here !" he yelled back. Since the kids left d'neyah offered to come stay with saint half of the time since it could get lonely. 

" what wrong ?" she asked going and sitting beside him on the bed. 

"noting" he responded plainly.

" yes it is , you've been quiet since everyone left." she said and he just shrugged his shoulders. 

" just stressed and tired I guess" he shrugged and she nodded. She climbed to the top of the headboard and sat behind messaging his very tense shoulders.

" Relax your shoulders a little damn." she said.

" i am relaxed." he said and she stopped messaging for a few seconds then looked at him before they both started laughing. 

" Ain't no way to shoulders this stuff when your relaxed." she laughed as she continued. 

" I told you i'm stressed." he said chuckling a little.

" tell me about it." she said placing kisses on his shoulder and neck. 

" it's just school , basketball , court and graduation." he shrugged. 

" i feel like you giving yourself too much responsibilities at once instead of giving yourself credit and moving on baby." she said and he closed his eyes and truly relaxed into the message.

" i hear you" he said.

" do you really saint ?" she said and he chuckled grabbing her hand then placing a kiss upon it. 

" i hear you bae" he said looking into her eyes then kissing her. 

" good!"

- heyy y'all
- thanks for residing and voting🗳️ 

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