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Saiyor POV ( 16)

" I can't wait to get to get to houston" I sighed looking out the window as we passed through New Orleans , Louisiana. It was the middle of the as morning so it was kinda still dark so the city lights had their chance to shine and glow.

Even though it was so early in the morning. The city was still lit and everyone was out.

" It's so pretty." I mumbled being mesmerized by the city lights.

We had been sitting on this bus for what felt like days but really it's only been hours. Going from city to city and state to state.

The twins was knocked out cold. Both of them laying on top of each other dam near snoring. Meanwhile me and saint sat beside each other not saying shit to each other.

I would've said something but I know he got a lot on his mind. So, I just left him alone. I looked over at him and see he had his head down trying to keep his eyes open. Me knowing he was trynna fight sleep , I just grabbed his head and let him lay on my shoulder.

" I ain't trynna go to sleep !" he smacked his teeth trying to sit up but i pushed his head back down.
" shut up and go to sleep !" I said smacking his head.

" you think we gon survive on our own ?" he asked with his eyes closed and it made me wonder. We've technically always been on our own but not really. It always felt like we was but we never was with charles far up our ass.

" Yea , I mean this won't be the first time. Plus we got each other." I said and i felt him nod on my shoulder.

" We gon be staying in a hotel for a little bit until I find us a apartment near the school we going to. " He said and I nodded.

" you think we gon fit in and the twins gon like the adjustment?" I asked and he just shrugged. But that was really the truthful answer to our
question because we truly didn't know.

" I think they gon like it there. It's gon be a new experience for them." He said and I sighed

" I really hope so"


" Here's your room key , seeing that it is 6am breakfast should be served soon with the hours of 7 to 9am , The hot tubs and pool are open all day and night , Free wifi is available with the password that will be available on the dresser and you can call the front desk through the phone on the night stand , Have a good night and Enjoy your stay !" The lady at the front desk of the hotel explained.

" dang near fell asleep listening to her talk" quan said under his breath and we all died laughing. We all were no doubt tired as hell.

Especially me considering I ain't get one lick of sleep due to me being curious and uncomfortable. The twins was surprisingly still sleepy even thought they slept the whole ride.

We opened the door to see a room with 2 queen sized beds in a small clean room. I ain't even spare no time looking around the room before I planted my face into the pillows.

" Damn sai ! move over !" raiya said laughing jumping in the bed getting under the covers with me.

I was mid asleep and I felt something poking my face." sai..." I opened my eyes seeing raiya smiling.

" what ?" i groaned.

" hey..." she smiled making me smack my teeth causing her to laugh.

" you so annoying dawg i swear!" I laughed with her.

" aye how long we gon be stayin here cuz i could get used to this. Might just pull a few girls that stay here." sequan said kicking his shoes off and cutting on the tv like he was the man of the house or sum.

" man bump that you need to put them socks back on for you scare them girls away." saint scrunched up his face at the smell of sequan feet.

" Man please the girls love it so i'm cool wit it." he mugged cutting on SpongeBob.

" cap ! but no more then a week so don't get too comfortable!" saint said doing the same before laying next to saint.

" oh please believe i will , right in this bed !" he said closing his eyes to sleep and i proceeded to do the same.

" raiya why you not sleeping?" i noticed how sleepy she was but she was fighting her sleep at the same time.

" cuz i'm scared" she said.

" what you scared about stink ?" I asked playing with her hair.

" i'm scared if I go to sleep we gon be back at home." she said and J sighed nodding my head.

"That won't happen raiya ." I said and she looked unsure for a lil bit.

" promise"she said holding her pinky out for me.

" promise"


" Get in before the water get cold !" quan yelled at me and saint to get into the hot tub.

" ion think that's possible quan" I said.

" look at you saying dumb junk again!" raiya teased him making me laugh.

" man shut up you knew what I meant !" he mugged bucking at her.

" how y'all like it here so far ?" saint sakes and they both shrugged.

" It feel good not to have charles yelling at us bout nothing all the time." sarai said and I nodded agreeing.

" on god and we get to eat free food all the time without skipping meals" quan said and I smiled at how excited they both were.

" well this just the beginning...this ain't it fa us. We still got more to accomplish and get until we finally settled." saint explained and We all nodded.

" y'all ready for new and better life ?" I asked them.

" Can't wait !"

- heyyyy y'all !!

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