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Omniscient POV

" Alright sweetheart when you get in here the judge might ask you to come and answer a few questions but you can refuse then if you feel uncomfortable, Alright ?" A kind woman names mrs.anne asked saiyor and she nodded before entering the court room and sitting a far from saint.

The had dressed her in old hammy-down clothes
and did her hair to get her looking nice for the occasion. She found herself pulling at the rim of her skirt occasionally. She wasn't uncomfortable at all she just didn't want to be there.

" Sai !!!" She heard and turned but were jumped on top of before she could see who it was. once she back up she saw it was the twins.

" Heyy y'all !!! I missed y'all."'she laughed and smiled kissing all over they're faces.

" we missed you too" sequan said still hugging her.

" what y'all been up to ?" saiyor asked playing with sarai's nicely done hair. 

" Umm we've been getting along with the people we live with, They starting to grow on us." Sarai shrugged saying and Saiyor nodded. 

" well i'm just glad that y'all are happy and alright." She said kissing both of they're heads. 

" All rise for Judge Toler !" the officer annoyed and the judge walked in. Then moments later Saint walked in with nate and his mother beside him. 

As saint walked in , saiyor found herself looking around and noticing that she did not know anyone that was in the crowd but her friend group whom she had to separate from.  

" Will you all follow me ?" A officer asked coming on the side of the family and they all nodded following the officer as he lead them down a the isle and up to closer seats. 

" Good Morning Everyone." The judge stated while reading over papers. 

" Good Morning ma'am." The court recited. 

" Alright let's get this started shall we?"

" So Mr.Carter It's seems that you've been illegally harboring minors." Judge said and peaked out of her glasses seeing a nervous saint nod. 

" Have anything to say about that?" she said sitting back in her seat.

" Your honor , my client is being accused of harboring but it was simply nurturing. They've been without financial support for years and have had to look up to no one but themselves for years now. They were place under the care of they're uncle whom provided nothing but shelter for the children."

" They were forced to stay with a man wh- Your honor,  may I object ?" The state's attorney argued saying interrupting mrs.cameron earning a mug from her and her son. 

" Correct me if i'm wrong sir , But when they're parents gave up legal rights of them and to the uncle , He gladly brought them into his home. But often complained about the children being troubled at times making it hard to raise them and leading to punishments. So as teenagers they think the discipline he provided was a big thing when really it wasn't." The attorney stood and argued. 

" Mr. J Sanders , Is they're any proof of these claims ?" Judge toler asked and Mr.Sanders nodded and waved his hand back and up stood someone the jones and carter children thought they'd never see again. 

" Indeed your honor I do. The children's care taker and retired uncle , Mr. Bishop Long Himself." They're uncle walked up presenting himself and taking a seat at the stand.

The Jones and Cater child all mugged him as the fact he'd even showed his face in court today. All but Saiyor she couldn't bring herself to look the man who'd brought her so much pain in the eyes. 

" How are you doing today , mr.long ?" the judge asked and he spoke a small " good " before he nodded.

" can you tell me how it was raising the carter and jones children ?" The judge and Bishop happily nodded sending the kids an evil smirk before answering.

" They weren't bad children , But that saint. He was trouble, he always led his siblings to trouble and always went against what I said." He exlaiend and as he continued Saint's grip tightened on the seat that he was in.

" Your Honor , he's lying !! " Saiyor stood up and said from the seat she was in.

" Wait your turn Ms.Carter !" The judge yelled slamming her gravel against the stand.

" May I take the stand then ?" Saiyor said with a slight attitude making judge toler tell bishop to get up and for sai to come up.

As saiyor walked up to the stand she made sure to grab her special box.

" Alright , Ms.Carter please rebuttal the previous accusations made by your uncle." Judge toler said giving her the floor to talk.

" He's not my uncle he's a drug addict and Abuser. He didn't nothing hit mistreat us as children, This man had no business raising children." Saiyor argued.

" Abuse ? Is they're any proof of that claim ?" The judge asked and Saiyor took a look at saint before she nodded her head.

She passed the box onto the officer whom handed it to the judge. The box just so happen to be filled with the abuse marks on saiyor , random drug substances lying around and the horrible living conditions they were forced to deal with.

" Ms.Carter how we're you able to get ahold of  these photos ?" The judge asked.

" While my brother would be at work , That's the only time the abuse would happen. So Id get my sibling to take pictures and i would cover them with makeup to avoid any other problems." Saiyor said.

" Officers take mr.bishop into custody, please" the judge said and the officers rushed over to bishop and he fought his way out of the courtroom.

" Your honor please don't put me and my siblings back into the system. Please grant our brother back custody!" Saiyor begged the judge until she held her hand up and stopped saiyor's pleads.

" Mr.Carter until you are proven to be a legal and good guardian your siblings will be somewhere else."

" but I will grant your wish ms.carter by asking. Is there any family members who are willing to take responsibility of these children?" the judge asked and the court room was silent before.

" We will." Two people said from the back and everyone turned seeing The carter and Jones kids mother with her husband who's holding a small boy.

" I'm they're biological mother and i'm ready to finally take responsibility."

- Heyyy yallll 🫶🏽

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