Chapter 24- Beth- Morning After

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I wake up feeling like a virgin who had her pussy licked for the first time, and I duck in the pillow to hide my smile. I don't think I will ever forget how Micah ate me. I can still feel his tongue moving through my pussy. It's making horny as I remember how he licked and sucked it, and I can't wait for him to do it again.

He made us cuddle then shortly after that we fell asleep, so I didn't return the pleasure, but I intend to do it this morning and if he's still asleep, I'll wake him up with a blow job, one that he won't forget.

I reach out for him, and his side of the bed is cold, so I call out his name but when I don't get an answer, betrayal strikes me because after last night I didn't expect to wake up alone. This is why I never stay over after a one-night stand.

I hate that he used me, but I give him the benefit of my doubts and force myself to wait as he might be out getting breakfast, but after a while, I get mad. Waiting is ridiculous. I already know that he's gone.

I fooled myself thinking he was different, that he would be here when I wake up. He probably had a clear head this morning and decided that I'm not worth the hassle.

Hating that could be it, I get out of bed and stomp around his bedroom. I want to take a shower then go before he gets back so I go to the chest of drawer to get a clean shirt but stop in motion when I see his phone on top of it, silently ringing. I shouldn't, but I answer.


"What...who is this! Where's Micah?" A woman asks sounding surprised and anxious. "What are you doing there?"

This call proves it. Micah fed me a load a crap about us being exclusive. He was lying all along. Without thinking, I hang up and the phone starts ringing again. This time I don't answer, I set it back in its place then quickly rummage through the drawers and draw out a shirt then throw it over my body, after that I gather up my things then rush downstairs to get my phone. The urgency to go is riding me so as soon as I find my purse, I grab it but then I see the bag containing my gifts.

Give him a chance.

A stupid thought whispers in my head and I shouldn't listen, but I snatch the bag too then high tail-it out of Micah's house.


Today I'm in an Italian restaurant having dinner with Mom and she looks flawless sitting across the table wearing a white linen dress and matching heels. She styled her hair in a half-up halo twist, and it's making her look like a chic librarian as she sits across the table boasting about her new husband who I haven't met yet. I knew she was dating, but I didn't think the relationship was serious where they would elope. She got married and I missed it due to work commitments.

"Darling, you must meet him. He's a wonderful man. I know you'll like him."

It's hard to be excited. I lost it a long time ago because this is mom's fifth marriage.

"I can't wait."

"You're being a downer Bethaliee. What's going on with you? Is it work? Because you know you don't have to work-"

"It's not that," I say cutting her off.

"What is it then, don't tell me it's that boy Parker again. I thought you two ended things for good back on the yacht?"

I thought my feelings for Corey would strum up when mom mentioned his name, but nothing happened, instead, my mind and body focuses on Micah.

When I think of him, my heart beats with excitement then my head hurts with wonder. Few days passed, and I still haven't heard from. He hasn't he called or try to contact me and it's driving me insane because I miss him. The feelings he raised are bursting out of me and honestly, it's too much to handle.

"Mom, why did you get married so many times?" I ask to steer my thoughts.

Sighing she looks down at her fingers to focus on her new ring. "Honey, sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince."

"But what if you never find him..."

Smiling mom says, "well at least you can say you gave it a good try."

That's not what I've been doing. I wasn't trying to find my prince. I was fucking around and chasing after a man who isn't interested in being my prince.

"How do you know when you've found your prince mom?"

Looking away from her ring, out in the distance, she replies, "I'm not sure. Only time will tell darling."

Easing back in the chair, I start to trail my fingers over the necklace that Micah gave me. I put it on when, give him a chance, wouldn't stop rolling around in my head. I'm even carrying around the damn notepad.

Leaning forwards mom says, "that's a pretty necklace."

I don't stop the blush from powdering my cheeks. "Thanks."

"You're smiling...Tell me about him."

Wiping away the smile, I tell her what's been bothering me. "Uhm, there's nothing to tell really. I met a guy, but he disappeared on me, so now I don't know what's going on."

"Move on darling, he's not worth it, and trust me, never sell yourself short. Don't give men like that a second chance." she advised writing Micah off.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I like him mom, I really like him."

"It doesn't appear that he feels the same way about you, darling."

Seeing my sulk, she continues. "Darling your worth more than him. Let me find someone for you. Farah is having one of her events in a couple of months and I want you to go. Plenty of single men will be there."

Any opportunity mom gets, she introduces me to a new man. The me before Micah would have leapt at the idea, but as I sit here with my fingers trailing over his necklace, the invitation is not appealing.

"Send me the date, and I'll let you know nearer to the time...I may have work stuff." The last part is to throw her off.

"Ok darling but in the meantime, keep busy. Don't worry over whoever has you so bothered. Bethaliee you're gorgeous, there are plenty of fish in the ocean, so go fishing."

That's a bad idea. I told Micah that I would commit to him, and I want to prove it. I just don't know why because he's not here to see it.

"Should we order dessert?" I ask to distract mom.

"I think I'll give it a miss tonight. I have to meet Andrew in five minutes."

She lights up saying her husband's name and although I'm not excited, I am happy for her. I hope this man is it because I can't watch my mother go through another phase of finding a man.

As she gets ready, I watch her and recognize the process. It's exactly what I do when I'm getting ready to meet someone, and just like mom, I've kissed few frogs. It's making me wonder if that's what my future is. Will I marry a bunch of times like her because that's not what I want.

"I'll call you tomorrow darling. I also want you to join me and Andrew for dinner later this week."

"Okay," I say when she kisses my cheeks.

"I know I don't say this often, but I love you Beth, I hope you know it."

"I do mom, you don't have to say it. I love you too."

"Good, I just wanted you to know. Now I must go, Andrew's waiting."

She pecks my cheeks again then she hurries out the door. Left alone, I reach into my bag and pull out the notepad.

Betrayal is the first I write written on the smooth lined page because that's how I'm feeling now.

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