Chapter 2- Beth-Broken

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I'm sat at my dressing table staring in the vanity mirror. I don't recognize myself. I can't remember the black kinky tresses sprouting from my head. My hair has finally grown back to its usual length, and it did quicker than I expected.

I chopped it off two years ago after I had an emotional breakdown over Corey Parker. The man who I'm in love with. He used to love me too, but now he's thinks that he's in love with someone else. We've gone back and forth like this for years, so it's only a matter of time before he comes running back.

He knows I'm the only one for him. He just angry about the foolish mistake I made that led him to believe I betrayed him with his best friend. It led to our breakup, then he fell out of love with me, and ever since then I've been trying to win him back. It happened many years ago, but he's still punishing me.

I thought I was on the verge of getting him back, but two years ago, he met someone, and he dumped me aboard a yacht while my mother watched. He said that we were over for good, and it shocked me into the start of a meltdown.

I just can't accept that he wants to be in another relationship after he reduced our romance, that used to be great, to meaningless sexual encounters where he gives me little affection. It hurts, but because I love him, I'm standing aside waiting with hopes.

But I might be fooling myself because he's engaged now. When I found out, it broke me and that's when my breakdown began.

In the first six months, I went crazy with lost because he refused to speak to me. Then he went ghost, because I couldn't find him, and he was never at his house. I have a key and I spent two weeks living at his place, and he didn't show up not even once. I did everything that I could to contact him, but his security team kept me at bay.

I couldn't get his attention. The only thing I could think of was to piss off the people who we do business with, so I did impromptu things in important meetings and acted nonchalant with hopes word would get back to him.

It didn't. It got to Katherine Lauler instead. She considers herself as my 'best friend.' We weren't on good terms as she's friends with the woman Corey is involved, but she came and lectured me about moving on from him, and I ignored her to do something else.

I went on dates with the men in his circle. I slept with one, but he didn't fuck me like Corey does, and he didn't evoke any feelings for me to do it again, so I ended things immediately after, but when I did go out on dates, I made sure my pictures were plastered in the press the next day because I wanted to make Corey jealous.

I thought it would steer him back to me, but he didn't take notice. What I earn was another visit from Lauler. She lectured me again and we argued. She wanted me to seek help for how I was acting.

During our argument, I mentioned doing something to myself. I really wouldn't have done anything because what good would it do me if I were dead? I certainly can't win Corey from six feet under. I was just doing or saying whatever I think that would get back to him.

Lauler reported it to my mother instead, and Mom who hates Corey because of how he treats me, reached out to him because she was concerned for her twenty-five-year-old daughter. All I got was a lousy phone call from his mother who doesn't like me much and it made me depressed.

Mom was still concerned, and she made appointments for me to check into a clinic. I went to few meetings because I saw how worried she was about me, but I cancelled most without her notice because they weren't helping.

In one of my mad moments, I made my hairstylist shave my hair off, and mom fired her as it went against the aesthetic of my look and dimmed my spotlight. I thought making a big statement like that would get Corey's attention. I thought he would come and speak to me, but it didn't work.

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