Chapter 21- Micah- A New Chapter

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Now, I understand what Beth meant when she said that she needed me to use her. She wanted someone to submit to, and she brought out the dominance in me. It happened without my notice, but Beth knew. She knew what she was doing when she kept taunting me and I gave her exactly what she needed.

I barely held on to awareness during my moments of madness, but if I'm honest, it felt great fucking her like that. It blew my mind. Now I don't want to fuck her any other way, but like I told her, we will and the next time we do, I'll give her what she needs, and it won't be what she's expecting. I won't give her whips and chains. I'll give her love and tenderness.

Though the thought of bending her to my will excites me. I don't need a Dom sub relationship, but I'm looking forwards in wielding my authority and putting her in place. Beth being a sub will know she holds all the power, and I'm pretty sure she will push and test my limits. That's why I have some disciplines ready, and I plan to enforce them over dinner tonight.


I don't work on Saturdays, but Lee asked for a favour. He's a club owner who had me on their books when I started out. What he asked is nothing major, so I don't have an issue working today. All I have to do is cover the doors at one of his strip clubs for a few hours. I could have sent someone from the office, but Lee had my back, so I don't mind helping him now.

Inside looks the same apart from the patrons. Back then, other than the exotic dancers, it was mainly men who visited here, now it's a mixture of men and women. The music got better too.

Few old faces are here still, and I make time to catch up with everyone. I met Samantha at the bar. Inside the clubs she's known as Suga, she's the headline dancer when she works. She owns an art gallery and this her part time gig now. The money she earns here goes towards her gallery. While we catch up, Alex, the bartender serves us shots. He has five grandchildren now. Three boys and two girls. He claims they're expensive, but I don't know, so I take his word for it. After I finished speaking to them, I get ready to manage the door.

Later-on, in the day, I see Mellissa rushing out, she's one of the waitresses. She married her boyfriend Josh, the D-Jay and they have two children. We don't speak long as she had to do a school run. After she leaves, I spend the rest of the time managing people as they come and go from the club.


My parents are video calling, so I step away from my post to answer. It's ages since I had a chance to see them. Mom's looking great as usual. Her smile, still welcoming, shines through the screen as we speak, and as I look at her, I want to reach in to give her a hug. Dad looks drawn though. There are grey hairs in his beard that weren't there before, and although he's smiling, he looks like he can do with a rest.

"Charity work stressing you out old man?" I tease and he laughs.

"You wouldn't know the half of it son. Add that, plus the heat... I hate to say it, but I'm looking forward to the break."

"What time is your flight getting in tomorrow?" I ask calculating. Their arriving at the local airport that's an hour away from their house. Beth's coming over tonight, so I'm trying to manage my time in the morning.

"We should be out of arrivals by eight a.m." Mom says then she adds, "don't drive like a maniac on your way there."

"He's a careful driver love, his dad taught him well, don't you worry. Son, get there as fast as you can, so we can beat the morning rush."

"George James Yorke! Do not encourage him."

"Marie, I'm joking. He knows better. Isn't that right son?"

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