Chapter 11- Micah- Weekend Admission

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"Micah, you should ask her out." Riots insists over coffee. "She's really nice and could be what you're looking for."

"How do you know what he's looking for?" Sev says coming to my defence.

It's the weekend and we're having breakfast at Daybreak Diner like we normally do, and for some reason, this weekend, Riot feels like playing match-maker. She's trying to set me up with Celine, the hot Brazilian who owns this place. We flirt, but Celine is not my type and I'm not in interested to find out if she could be. Plus, I like eating here, so I don't want to go ruining a good thing.

The woman who has my interest ghosted me last night. Beth's apology sounded sincere, and it was convincing. It led me to believe she was done with the games, but she fooled me, and it won't happen again.

"If it's any constellation, I know she's easy." Jordan says chipping in.

His comment cuts my thoughts and I look at him wondering how he knows that. Riot didn't thump him, so I know he hasn't slept with Celine.

"Nah, I'm good."

My head nor my dick has no interest in Celine, it's just my gut. Plus, I don't want an easy woman. I want one that challenges me. Bloody Beth pops in my head and I grimace. She's forever doing that these days.

"You're being off Micah, what's going on with you?" Sevyne asks twisting the lid off her Corona. She won't drink it. She just like the smell.

"Yeah, Micah-what's going on?" Riot joins. "You've been moody all week."

"Guys-I'm good-" I say to end the pestering before it starts, and I can tell they don't believe me.

"So, like I was saying," Bradley starts up again. He's picking up where he left off in his story.

"Practically everyone on the dance floor was fucking. The video cuts out after they went in the bathroom... but you don't need a camera to tell what they were doing."

He's telling us about the events that took place at a club he managed last night, and my belly churns as he tells it. The people in the story sounds like the models, Beth, and the pop star from the video shoot, but I don't know who the other guy is.

Thinking if Beth is one of those people, I ask myself is that's what she was doing why she didn't come see me, and I scowl feeling pissed.

"Bradley what's the point of your story again?" Sevyne questions annoyed.

"No point, I thought I'd bring it up while we wait for Micah to tell us what's eating him away."

"Leave the man alone. If he says he's fine, he's good. Bradz, you know better. Don't follow these two, they're being mushy cause it's their time of the month."

Bradley shakes his head as he rolls his eyes at Jordan. "Who raised you?" he asks throwing a sugar packet at him.

"What? I'm not wrong though-and for your information, my mother raised me."

"Yeah well, you could have fooled me." Brads tells him throwing another packet.

"Don't be an asshole babe," Riots gripes throwing more his way.

Sev glares before she throws some too and because I agree I throw the rest. They're right, Jordan never watches what he says, so whatever comes out of his mouth, we take with a pinch of salt, or in some case sugar.

As we rip into him, a sudden bang outside the diner gets everyone alert. When I look, a crash happened. A car ran in the back of another. That's what caused the sound. As I watch, a man steps outside cursing at the vehicle he ran into. When the other driver gets out, I jump to my feet because it's Beth.

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