Chapter 7- Micah- Cold Agenda

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"Fuck! It's cold," Jordan moans.

"Is there a time when you don't bitch about something?" Bradley asks just before he opens the limousine door for the group of elites that we're escorting.

The client tonight is a high-profile investor, who recently made some bad investment. His decisions cost him to lose millions that impacted a lot of people, then on top of that, he made negative comments about the matter to the press. Since then, he's been getting death threats. Last week, during one of his public speeches, someone tried to assassinate him. A man pulled out a gun, but the police intervened before anything could happen.

When he hired us and before he signed our contracts, our risk assessor strongly advised him not to go out in public. We advised him to wait until things blow over, but the man wants to throw a party for his new wife, so here we are.

Stepping in, I lift my hand to speak through the hidden mic on my wrist. "Watch your mouths and remember who we're with. We don't need any distraction tonight."

"Watch your mouths?! What's up boss? I thought we were in the business of watching assess not our mouths." Jordan rag scoping the area.

"Shut up babe." Riot scolds from few cars behind. The woman she's guarding refuses to ride with anyone, so we have six cars to cover.

"Your being overly pissy...sorry, I meant prissy," Sevyne states standing next to me. She's dressed in a tailored black suit with her hair sleeked back.

I go to answer, but Riot's speaks. "No time for a council session folks. Everyone's here."

We get in formation and form a pentagram around the elites with me leading the way from the parking lot to the venue where the party is taking place. Bradley and Jordan manages the rear which annoys Riot and Sevyne, in the middle of the line-up, but with the risk being high on this watch, if anything goes wrong, we want to protect our women, even though we know they can protect themselves.


We're out-front patrolling because word got out about the investor's location. Now there's a small angry mob gathered outside the building entrance and the obscenities they're screaming is attracting further attention.

"What's the plan?" Bradley asks walking over to me.

"There's a back alley, but it's not big enough for our cars to fit in, and apart from running these people over, or the roof, there's no other way out," Sevyne informs before I can answer.

"I doubt this fucker can climb." Jordan utters joining us.

"I guess we'll have to muscle our way through then." Riot grins when she reaches us.

The crowd behind her is getting thicker and they're chanting for the investor to come outside. The investor hearing the commotion rush out of his party and when he sees the angry mob he whines, "these fucking people! When will they leave me alone?"

The mob gets rowdier when they see him, and the investor gets scared when the force of the crowd pushes the door in.

"Get me out of here!" He orders us, trying to put on a brave face.

I see Jordan's reply before he says it, and I know it won't be nice, so I step in before he can form the sentence. "Get ready because it won't be easy getting through those lot."

"What about my wife?" The investor asks looking at the door.

"I'm sorry, but she will have to stay here. The public don't know about her yet, and we prefer to keep it that way for now."

After I tell him that, he doesn't hesitate to say, "fine, what do you need me to do."

It appears that he's no longer concerned about his wife, something I would never do. If I had a wife, or a woman who I claim to love, I'd put her protection above everything else. Beth pops in my head with that thought. I've been thinking about her-more than I should. After carnival night, I just can't stop picturing her on her knees, and every time I do, I find myself jerking off. I shouldn't be thinking about her now-or at all, so I shake her out of my head and turn my attention back to the investor, who lost some points for leaving his wife behind, but I get why.

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