Chapter 13-Micah-Unforgivable

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"It will be hard, but try not being you today? Can you do that-please?" Bradley rakes staring at Jordan through the rear-view mirror.

We're on the way to get the investor from the airport. He had a few things to say about Jord's behaviour, but the mob situation impressed him, so now he's trusting us to keep him safe.

"No, I don't like him. He's a thief! And I don't like thieves." Jordan grumbles taking no notice.

He's mad because he had invested money in the funds that the investor managed, and like everyone else, he's claiming that the investor stole it.

"Look man I get it. You and a lot of people lost money-" Bradley starts but Jordan cuts him off.

"We didn't lose it! It's right there in his fucking pocket!"

"It's the nature of the game. You win some, you lose some, and the bad guy gets paid in the end. Stop whinging- it's giving me a belly-ache."

Jordan mumbles his disagreement just as Bradley turns his attention back on me. "What's going on with you and the model?"

Before I answer, I think about what's really going on between me and Beth. Since the other day, our morning chats has dwindled to nothing but a five-minute phone call because she's 'busy'. We're barely speaking and when we do, she's always on the go so we don't get to say much.

"I don't know. She keeps playing these games..."

"What kind of games? Because if it's the good kind, why are you complaining?" Jordan questions from the back seat.

"Not like that. I mean, her signals are mixed. It's hard to tell if she's being genuine."

"It sounds as if you're wasting your time. I'd move on if I were you."

I see why Jordan would say that. It might look like that to him, but I don't feel like I am, plus I've tried. Now I think it's time to face the truth because I like Beth- more than I should.

"Jord, I want to pursue her." It's the first time I'm saying that outside my head and it feels good.

"I think she like you too" Bradley states. "She was jealous when you kissed Sev."

"By the way, you and Sev, kissing like that-gives me nightmares." Jordan adds and I don't have to look back to know that he's pulling a face.

"Have you told the model?"

I did but knowing Beth, she won't get I want you. In that moment, she might think I mean sex, but if I'm honest, that's the last thing I want now. I truly want to know her before I touch her.

"I don't think I made it clear."

"Make it clearer then. All this beating around the bush is pointless." Jordan advised.

He might come across as a joker, but he and Riot has been in a relationship since forever and as far as I know it's a committed one, and they're happy.

I think about his advice and wonder if it's a good idea. Beth flirts with me, but what about the guy she fucked the other night. Then there's the issue of her ex.

I forget that my friends are in the car as I speak my thoughts. "She's still in love with her ex, plus she's dating other people."

"Seriously man! For a cock you're being a pussy. Grow a pair and tell her!! I mean- what's the worst that will happen?"

Jordan's rant makes me think some more. I don't want to get caught up in a love triangle. If I'm going to involve myself with Beth, I'm the only one she must be with. I'm not big on sharing that way.

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