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leaving him was easier than she thought. after they had their early dinner and walked around a bit they parted ways at the entrance to his base.

she was okay.

which was weird because she honestly thought she would break down in tears again. but she felt so calm when she left.

then she went home and slept comfortably in their bed after he called her to say good night.

she was fine.

nari had went back to life again, feeling lighter knowing he was okay. she was okay. they were okay.

"nari sweetie can you help me over here?" jaesook asks as she snaps nari out of her thoughts.

nari makes her way from the living room into the kitchen. normally nari wouldn't be here on a weekday, but she needed advice from an elder. someone who would give her great advice and she knew that was jaesook. "sorry i got distracted," she apologized as she walks towards the counter. "what can i help you with?"

the elder looked over at nari and asks her to start chopping up some vegetables handing her over the items she needed. "so why do i have the honor of seeing you on a week day?" she asks.

nari looks down at the carrot in her hand that she began to peel. she shrugs softly not directly wanting to talk about it yet, but knew she needed to. "i came for advice." she says honestly. "you always give me the best kind, like with saeron. you really helped me out."

she looks over at her eyebrows slightly furrowed. "oh what's going on nari?"

she lets out a sigh, "my parents reached out to me through narae. they want to meet up with me."

"and you're hesitant?" jaesook question.

"yes. i feel the intent is not for my best interest. with my divorce being finalized in a couple of weeks i fear they might want me to reconsider."

"why do you think that?" she asks.

nari looks down, "they are upset i'm divorcing kang. and well they aren't exactly happy about me dating hyungwon. they think i had an affair."

"well, and why don't you want to keep an open mind?"

"because they can't," she responded back quickly. "i don't know if hyungwon told you about narae's wedding but my mother disowned me in front of family, friends and your son. it was honestly the most humiliating thing that's ever happened to me."

jaesook stops what she was doing to look at the younger, "nari, they are you parents. sometimes as parents we do an say things we don't mean."

nari chewed on her lower lip. "they don't care, jaesook. they don't care about my happiness or my health."

"nari," jaesook says again. "they are your parents. of course they care-"

"then why didn't they come to the hospital after my accident?" she asks her eyes getting glossy from the mere thought of her being in the hospital bed. "hyungwon called you and you were there within minutes. my ex husband even showed up, but where were my mom and dad?" her voice cracked a bit as she said mom and dad. still paining her to this day that she could have died and her parents wouldn't have cared.

jaesook looked and seen the hurt in the girls face as she seemed to angrily chop the vegetables. she lets out a soft sigh walking over and stopping her before the rough chopping caused her injury. "nari, it's okay to be angry with them. it's ok to have feelings. but they are you parents. i'm not always the best parent to my sons. sometimes i failed them or ignored things i shouldn't have." she says before letting out a soft sigh. "i will be completely honest with you nari. i wasn't happy hyungwon was getting divorced. i was upset because i wanted better for my son. i also was upset when he mentioned you for the first time because i knew it was more than what he told me. i could tell when he said your name. it's like a light bulb went off for the first time begins his eyes. but i also knew you made him happy. the happiest he had been in a long time. then i met you and i truly seen and understood. maybe you just need to give them that second chance. you never know they might surprise you."

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