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nari woke up bright and early thursday morning. because hyungwon wanted her at the studio before sunrise. she had no idea what they were doing but he made it clear she needed to be there before the sun came up. he also would not give details on what they were doing.

she had been avoiding kang, successfully. telling him she had took up more activities and claiming that she had more wedding planning to do.

she didn't care what he thought. she didn't care about much of anything right now.

he consistently been on and off with being home these last couple of days. making sure he was in bed with her every other night. why? she did not know but again she didn't care.

she left him in bed, this early morning and made her way to hyungwon's studio. she didn't even tell him she was going he didn't need to know.

just as hyungwon requested, no makeup and comfortable she left her home. she didn't really like going out bare faced but she knew hyungwon wouldn't judge her and she doubted she would see anyone she knew this morning but put a pair of sunglasses in her bag just in case.

she knew kang would be upset with her leaving the house looking like this, so it was a good thing she left before he had woken up.

when she got to the studio hyungwon who was wearing jogging pants and a hoodie opened the door to a yawning, nari. "tired?"

she nods, "yeah."

"that's ok, come on, in. we just have to wait till the sun starts rising." he moves to the side letting her walk in. "it'll be quick."

"what exactly are we doing?" she asked skeptical on the task. "is this a sacrifice ritual or something? are you really going to murder me? i know we joked about it but please if you do make it quick and easy."

he chuckles shaking his head pulling up a stool behind his camera, "i'm not going to murder you, nari." he walks over and places a stool a few feet away from the camera.

she looks at him crossing her arms, "ok are we doing an interview with someone or something?"

he shakes his head no again. "no."

"photo shoot then?"

"yes. a photo shoot."

"okay where's the model?" she asks as he walks over, gently grabs her arms and moves her in front of the camera. it took her a moment for her to realize what is going on and what he was doing. "no you're crazy i'm not modeling for you."

hyungwon looks down at her, "come on it's literally not for anything. just for you to have. i just think everyone deserves to have professional photos taken of them."

"yeah usually people are prepared for this. i have no makeup on, my hair isn't done and i'm wearing sweatpants." she motions to her whole ensemble, "this is a train wreck."

"natural is always so much more beautiful." he turns seeing that the sun was about to rise. "look nari, these pictures you and i will be the only ones that get to see them. no one ever has to know."

she shakes her head no.

"come on, nari. please?" he asks and she shakes her head no again. "come on nari. i promise you after you see them you can delete everything if you don't like them."

she huffs, "fine but only if you promise they'll be deleted." she sticks out her pinky.

hyungwon smiles letting their pinkies lock before they connect their thumbs. "awesome. but i have a small request."

"what now?" she groans like a petulant child.

he walks over and grabs a small shopping bag from the table. "put this on."

sorry, i'm not sorry || hyungwon monsta x fanfic || حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن