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it was early when hyungwon and nari woke up. she showered first and he did shortly after making sure he was dressed properly. she was only wearing a robe not quite ready for a dress and curlers in her hair.

that's what he seen when they parted. they reunited when hyungwon went to take photos of narae. nari now had her hair waved beautiful, her makeup was done but in a natural way and if complimented her eyes. she was wearing a pale pink gown and she looked absolutely stunning. hyungwon couldn't help but stare at her.

"what?" she blushes, looking down. "is it too much."

"you look beautiful," he smiles at her.

"you two are too cute, but we need to take a photos before mom gets here." narae says. "i want lots of them for our first look."

hyungwon nods, "of course. he's ready for you in that room down stairs already."

"let's go then." narae says handing nari her bouquet. "did you call kihyun?"

"yes the cake will be here soon."

the photos came out beautiful. taeyang and narae were a stunning couple.

nari took hyungwon quickly by the hand after he took the photos. "come here, i want to do something."

"we can't do that," he whispers teasing her.

she swats at his arm and gasps, "hyungwon!"

he laughs, "i'm kidding. what do you want to do?"

"there's a photo booth and i know we won't get to it later so i want to take some with you," she smiles taking him to the booth that was set up in the reception room. "so we can have a memory. we have no photos together."

he smiles at her knowing it was true the had no photos together, but he had photos of her, "ok." he opens the curtain and lets her in before sitting next to her on the bench.

she looks at him, "ready?" he nods putting an arm around her pulling her closer making sure they were in frame for the photos. it made him feel young, something they would do on a date as teens.

"cute one first ok?" he smiles.

she presses a finger to her cheek purses her lips and hyungwon kissed her other cheek as the flash went off. she giggled "ok next."

she squished her cheeks together with her hands and he copies her, making sure their faces were next to each other. the flash goes off.

she holds up half a heart with her hand and looks at him smiling and he does the same connecting their hands as they gaze at each other lovingly. the flash goes off.

hyungwon brings his hand to her face and kisses her softly for the last one as the flash goes off. he kisses her longer, until they pull away from each other.

her face was flush, he always thought how cute it was that she blushed every time they kissed. like each time is like a first kiss for them. her thumb goes up and removes the remnants of the kiss from his lips.

hyungwon smiles at her, "let's head back." she nods as he gets out and she follows. she grabs the photos on the outside seeing it printed two. she hands them to him so he can see. he loved nari in photos. "i'll put them in my bag." he says with a smile. "let's go back before your parents and kang show up."

it wasn't long till people started showing up, narae and taeyang seated on a sofa in the front room greeting each guest that came. nari watched as kang walks over to her, "you look beautiful." he smiles greeting her.

nari sighs, "thanks." she mutters. "let's find our seats for the ceremony." she walks past him and over to narae and taeyang. "good luck you two." she says to the couple.

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