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the empty bottle of champagne laid on the floor in their bedroom, scattered around was their clothing that they had discarded late last night. the sun bore through the small peaks of the window curtains and her faint breathing could be heard as she slept peacefully.

he had his arm hung loosely around her as she was curled up next to his side. he woke up earlier than her. something that happened on rare occurrences. like the night she had gotten really drunk and he took her to the studio to sleep it off. or recently because of her accident, but those days he'd barely sleep, afraid to hurt her accidentally as they slept. or afraid something would happen and she'd need him. those nights were stressful.

they hadn't cuddle up like this since before her accident.

he glanced up at the ceiling letting his finger dance along her bare back as he thought of her. he thought about last new years. last year he'd met nari, a thought that barely came to him. seeing her that day he'd never know she'd be in the position with him. that she would be his girlfriend. he remembers that event so clearly. how she followed so close behind kang, as others ignored her in conversation. her face stayed the same, stoic, with an occasional smile here and there to the people after kang introduced her.

it was as if they only seen her as a piece kang carried around to bag. because she was beautiful. is beautiful.

she looked so peaceful when she slept as if there was no worry in the world, because he knew when she woke up she did worry. she had so much on her plate that she had to deal with and he could only help her with so much.

especially since he would be gone soon. separated from his love. a love he didn't think would even grow or even manifest itself. he didn't expect to fall in love with her.

that was the thing, a year ago, he didn't see nari and expect to find love. fate brought them together and have created an odd path for them, but he wouldn't choose another path.

his mind continued to wander.

he knew everyone worried about nari, always saying she couldn't be alone. but all those months when kang left she was alone. when her parents sent her to boarding school. she'd sleep alone. eat alone, and cry alone. she would be ok, but would he?

would he survive being apart from her while also being put through grueling training for the military? he was never alone. never been by himself. would he be ok? could he be with nari?

it was so painful to think about. leaving her would be the hardest part.

nari moves slightly her head nuzzling closer to his chest, "hmm cold." she whispers the word out in her tired tone.

he brings the blanket up to cover her exposed body, and holds her closer, "that better?" he whispers.

she nods her head, keeping her eyes closed. her pink, plump lips slightly part as she lets out a breath. "sleep."

he couldn't help but chuckle, since she was saying that. he was always the one to do that. to tell her to sleep. "i can't." he whispers to her. "i'm wide awake." she doesn't respond just nuzzling into his side more, her face pressed against his skin. "do you want to stay in bed all day babe?"

"yes," she mutters quietly.

he chuckles, "are you hungover?" he asks knowing she was always quick to get drunk. she wasn't much of a drinker, but he did drink most of the champagne last night.

she shakes her head softly, "no."

he smiles, "open your eyes for me, na?"

"no," she mutters.

sorry, i'm not sorry || hyungwon monsta x fanfic || Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora