vii. nobody likes chad charming

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nobody likes chad charming.

after the sappy talk with her parents was over, she walked over to ben. "hey ben, you okay?" he looked a little tense, as he stood at one of the tables.

ben sighed. "i guess." y/n watched as he aggressively ate his strawberry and threw the stem on the ground.

he rolled his eyes and went to storm off but y/n stopped him. "ben. what's wrong. you can talk to me if you need to."

he sighed, picking at his fingernails and cuticles, something she noticed he did when he was anxious. "my parents clearly don't approve of mal because she's from the isle," was all he said to get his sour point across.

"ben," before she could even start to try to comfort him, she heard a loud voice from behind her.

"you!?" the two quickly looked over, watching queen lia, audrey's grandmother, throw a fit.

the two quickly approached mal and stood at her side. ben began talking, and y/n felt someone at her other side.

it was jay.

"queen lia, it's okay, maleficent is back on the isle. you're safe, this is just her daughter mal." ben explained hopefully, side hugging mal.

jay watched as y/n's face dulled, her once happy mood disappearing when queen lia brought up mal's mother.

"the poison apples! you all remember that?! the spells? my daughter was raised by fairies, because of your mothers curse! so her first words, first steps, i missed it all!" queen lia dramatically crossed her arms and turned away from her.

y/n noticed mal trying to apologize, before chad came up in front of her and shouted, "go away! stay away from her."

ben stepped in front of her, "chad, back away from my girlfriend." y/n started smiling at how protective ben was, as chad continued his pity speech.

"they were raised by their parents, ben. they're animals. what do you think villains teach their kids? kindness? fair play?" chad went to continue but y/n stepped at ben's side.

"but they're not their parents! it's not like they asked to grow up like that? they're people just like us-"

y/n couldn't say anything further because chad stepped toward her and began to talk louder, trying to get his point across. "look at that, they already brain-washed her. maybe if she wasn't such a dumbass she would realize-" y/n and ben both started yelling at him, but chad couldn't even continue, a hard punch flew straight to his nose. "chad? chad!" audrey cried, comforting him on the ground. jay's knuckles were a bit tingly, but he didn't mind, he'd wanted to do that for a while. chad's nose started bleeding as audrey stood up and started yelling some dumb stuff at y/n, she wasn't even listening.

the villain kids began to walk away. jay whispered before he was too far, "pssst. come on," then he grabbed her hand and brought her with them.

y/n's parents watched the whole scene in shock. they were only concerned about their daughter, though, they agreed chad could rot in hell.

"y/n, are you okay?" jay asked, his arm wrapped tightly around her as he walked at her side. she swallowed, still partly in shock of what happened.

"yeah, i'm fine. i'm just not used to that.. happening i guess," she explained with a faint laugh. the group walked into the school and into the lobby.

y/n felt horrible for what chad had said and what happened, she knew those kids were better than their parents, regardless of accusations or thoughts in the past. she completely understood the feeling of being pressured in order to meet their high expectations.

she stopped them from walking any further.

"i am so sorry." the two girls went to speak but y/n still continued, "no like i mean this. i am really sorry. for everything. every sense you guys got here you've had to deal with stupid shit like that and it's unfair."

evie sighed before answering her apology. "y/n, it's okay." evie placed her hands on y/n's shoulders, "it's nice to know we have people like you on our side."

the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

"it's not your fault," mal added, "thank you for sticking up for us. it means a lot. at first it felt like you were obligated to but that proved it to us that you're one of the only genuine ones here."

mal's intentions actually seemed genuine, a side no villain kid usually showed to anyone, let alone a girl who goes to auradon prep.

y/n nodded, "it was always genuine," she added, "i promise. people like chad whatever the fuck his last name is and 'princess audrey' are just annoying shits who think they're better than everybody else. i've had to deal with them my whole life."

the two girls laughed and then gave her a quick hug.

y/n was about to step up and say she had to go find her brother, because she did, she was in need of a serious therapy session at that moment, but she stopped herself when she saw jay's knuckles; on the verge of bleeding.

"jay, is your hand okay?" she asked.

jay cleared his throat, "yeah, of course it's okay i don't know what you mean-" he let out a painful groan as y/n lifted his hand up to observe it.

she gasped and saw it was already bruising. "jesus, how hard did you hit him?" jay shook his head, trying to avoid any source of help.

"follow me, my brother has a first aid kit in his room. i can't just leave you like this." she grabbed his other hand and dragged him down the hallway.

carlos shot him a wink before he was out of sight, and mouthed the words, "make your move!"

jay rolled his eyes, as he was pulled into the room, and was pushed into the chair near the bathroom.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

omg if y'all have read my
other books you know i
LOVEEE including a fight
scene and then having the
oc/reader clean their hubby up😍

it's so fun to include this in
literally everyone of my stories ;)



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