xii. ben's coronation day pt.2

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ben's coronation day pt.2

when the limousine arrived at the castle, the group got out at the front, many paparazzi swarming the group and taking pictures and asking questions for the live television streaming of the coronation.

"y/n! who are you wearing?"

"angelica! give us a smile!"

"y/n! y/n!"

"where is your dress from?"

"who did your makeup?"

"who are you with tonight?"

that was one she felt honored to answer, she grabbed jay's hand and walked at his side. "my dress is a replica of my mothers from the 80s, made by evie. i did my own makeup." she interlocked her hand with jays, "and this is my date, jay," she smiled sweetly and placed a hand on his chest.

the paparazzi started getting angles and taking pictures, some gasped, while others awed and cheered them on. the group got their pictures and walked past.

"that was annoying," she mumbled under her breath. he smiled at everybody then turned to her, "are you sure you wanna make it public already? trust me i don't mind but- you know, i don't want your reputation getting ruined and stuff." he murmured, waving at everybody as they walked through the long hallway.

"jay, you're my date, i'm gonna show you off," she cupped his face, "how could i not? i'm sure all the girls at the isle; and probably some at auradon prep; would love to be in my shoes right about now." jay smiled and nodded, "okay." his genuine smile returned and so had his confident demeanor.

the group watched as the choir sang, and ben walked past all the yellow guards, they bowed, and he started to walk past all the students. y/n and her friends stood with ben and the villain kids, bowing as ben walked by. jay mumbled something to evie and she mumbled something to carlos. y/n thought it was a little unusual but brushed it off, happy for ben as he continue to walk closer and closer.

he finally made it up where his dad was with fairy godmother. he knelt down, and she placed the crown onto his head. he smiled and looked up at his dad.

his dad brought the cover off of the wand, smiling genuinely as fairy godmother picked it up and held it in front of ben, who was on his knees.

"do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of auradon with justice, and mercy, as long as you shall reign?" fairy godmother asked.

ben cleared his throat, leading the anticipation. "i do solemnly swear."

fairy godmother held the wand at her chest, "then it is my honor," she tapped the wand on each side of his shoulders, "and my joy, to bless our new king-"

before she could finish her sentence, jane came up and grabbed the wand, not knowing how to use it. she swayed it around. "child?! what are you doing!?"

jane struggled and yelled, "if you won't make me beautiful, i'll do it myself!" ben ran in front of mal, protecting her from any possible injury.

"bippity, boppity!" jane struggled, and mal came up, attempting to grab the wand. "be careful, mal!" belle shouted.

mal grabbed ahold of it, breathing heavily. y/n turned to her side and saw the villain kids running down the stairs. "where the hell are they going?" y/n quickly followed them, telling the girls to stay there.

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