xv. mabel in the middle

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mabel in the middle

the ways to avoid fame were usually very easy. for mal, all she has to do was transfer back to the isle. so, being a rookie fame avoider, she made her way back.

not long after evie noticed and asked around, and then approached ben in his office and said she had disappeared. the two then went to the isle, in search for her but instead evie came back solo to alert the rest of the villain kids they were in trouble and now both mal and ben remained on the isle.

"so what the fuck are we doing standing here?" y/n said, pacing as she realized her almost brother and one of her friends were stuck on the isle and possibly in danger.

evie grabbed y/n's shoulder and told her to calm down. "i'm trying, it's just stressful, you know? ben's wanted to be a king for so long, and if something happens to him-"

carlos stopped her. "nothing is going to happen to him, y/n. we just have to find a way to get him back without disrupting our parents.." carlos spoke.

"we're gonna need all the help we can get without snitching." evie said, then turned to y/n. "can your little girl group fight?"

y/n shook her head, "angelica maybe, but lilac is an absolute diva and evangeline would give us away with how loud she speaks. i may have another idea, though."

after texting her older brother dakota to tag along for protection, y/n decided to go find evangeline's lab partner, mabel. her dorm was oddly close to evageline and angelica's.

she knocked on the door, faintly hearing slipknot from the other side. no way she was sleeping to slipknot.

the door opened, and mabel smiled, taking her headphones. "hey y/n. you're evagelines cool older sister right? that's what she told me," y/n smiled and awed over how eva saw her but snapped back into it.

"sure, whatever she said it fine. you said you train with your mom from time to time, right?"

mabel nodded, "never miss a shot. why?"

y/n sighed. "so basically we have this very interesting situation on the isle i'll explain later but if you help us i'll pay you with good chemistry grades for the rest of the year," she offered, as the girl smiled.

"i already have a c+ in that class. how can i help?"

y/n quickly had mabel grab her phone and anything she needed to shove in her pockets. on their way out they ran into dakota, who was dressed and ready. they met the group outside where the secret limo was.

carlos sighed, "you brought your older brother and evageline's fourteen year old lab partner?" she cleared her throat, "i'm fifteen, now, dumbass. how else would i be in chemistry?"

"okay whatever," carlos turned to y/n, "what kind of avengers team do you think we are?"

evie giggled, "the hot kind." she said, practically eying dakota and smiled. y/n mentally gagged as carlos rolled his eyes and got everybody into the car. "we're good, let's go."

he gave the all clear ss the limousine left, opened the barrier and took the group to the isle of the lost.

jay started speaking some rules.

"do not run off." he looked at mabel, "you're the younger one here, if we lose you we all get kicked out for taking you in the first place. we'll help you out on when we need your help, okay?" she nodded quickly.

he turned to y/n, "please don't get hurt," was all he said, making him laugh. "just because i haven't been on the isle before doesn't me i don't know how it works. dakota's a retired boxer."

jay's jaw dropped, "at eighteen?" jay swallowed, trying to push back his nervousness now realizing how intimidating y/n's older brother was.

"yeah, i trained with him almost every day. and we practiced fighting with our lightsabers."

carlos started laughing, "lightsabers?"

dakota smiled and rolled his eyes, "you really think my smart ass momma is gonna give thirteen year old me a sword? fuck no. she still hasn't got me one because she says i don't need it."

dakota's tone made the whole group laugh, as the driver finally made it across and on the isle.

jay sighed, placing a hand on y/n's leg before whispering, "please be careful," and stepping out. dakota practically growled, "watch that hand, man."

y/n hit her brother's shoulder, using the annoyance factor so he would stop. they followed the group, mabel in between dakota and y/n, just in case.

jay grabbed the wand from the back of the car, dude was sat in the back. "dude?! why are you here? i told you to stay!" dude scoffed, wrapped in his little blanket. "i flunked obedience class."

jay laughed, "great he can still talk."

carlos rolled his eyes before grabbing him out of the back of the car. "great, you're lucky i love you."

jay closed the back up the car and the group walked up to the front of the car. "wow, what a beauty," mal said, examining the wand. y/n and dakota stood around mabel, the height difference easily noticeable, as mabel was only about 5'1 while dakota was 6'2 and y/n was much shorter, but taller then mabeline.

the group checked everything, then walked through the tunnel, dude tried to follow, and carlos told him to stay.

as the group walked through, jay stopped and started walking next to y/n. "please be careful. all the guys here are weird, y/n. so, if they do anything, call me over. okay?" his hand snaked up to her side.

dakota cleared his throat extra loudly behind them. y/n rolled her eyes and thanked jay, and walked back to the front.

the ship was huge, as the group walked out, a guy from a pedestal yelled the group had arrived, and everyone around them started making a ruckus.

harry hook pushed ben out of the way, "welcome!"

uma, the girl with the blue braids and pirate hat, started smiling. "finally!" she laughed.

y/n stayed behind the entrance and whispered to mabel, "stay here. stay behind this curtain, i'll call your name when we need you. okay? i don't want you getting hurt." mabel rolled her eyes and nodded.

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omgoodness y'all this is so fun
this is so fun to write 😍
jay is so hot ok i'm sorry



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