v. genius, billionaire, older brother therapist

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genius, billionaire, older brother therapist

y/n wasn't usually someone who genuinely enjoyed chemistry class, unless she got to blow things up.

but the next morning after the winning tourney game, she walked into class and saw that everyone had switched seats, and lab partners.

"miss y/n! hello dear, all students switched seats and lab partners, thought we could switch it up so the villain kids don't feel left out. you're sat in the middle, next to jay, your new lab partner."


y/n tried to stop her smile from growing as she walked over to the table, and set her stuff down. jay watched closely as she set her back down on the bag of her chair, pulling out her pencil and her chemistry book.

"fate just keeps pushing us together, huh?" he said, he gazed at her, she didn't know it was possible for dark eyes to sparkle.

"fate as in mr patrix?" her little remark made him laugh softly as he went to open his textbook.

he wasn't in his usual outfit that day, usually he wore a beanie, but today was different. he had his hair back into a low man bun, a few strands fallen out. he wore beige pants, with a white shirt, under a dark green denim jacket. and, he was wearing converse? who taught this man how to dress? y/n thought to herself.

jay noticed the shadow of a book, in her bag. he smiled, "what books do you have today?"

he watched as her smile grew, pulling out the two books she had brought. "well, one is my moms book that i showed you yesterday," she spoke softly as jay added on, "yes, i remember, women empowerment, nice," he quoted.

his head unintentionally tilted to the side as he listened to her speak.

"and the other, is one that i found on the shelf next to where my mom's book was. i've always had a thing for romances, especially when the girl isn't a totally dumbass. if the girl is dumb and helpless, it makes the whole story predictable." she ranted.

jay felt his heart skip a beat when she looked over at him. it was something about the way her face lifted naturally when she talked about something she found interesting. because of where he was from, he always felt the mushy feeling we're just fiction that only appeared in the life of a royal. but now, as he watched her ramble about the slow burn romance story she was reading, he felt like it was real.

y/n stopped herself after a little bit, which ended with jay letting her continue. about ten minutes later the two sat in silence along with the rest of the class.

jay cleared his throat, "pssst."

y/n smiled and looked at his notebook with an empty page in front of him. "what are we supposed to do?"

she laughed and grabbed his notebook, gently grabbing the pen from behind his ear; that he hadn't even touched, and starting to draw a diagram.

"he's recapping the diagram of a flower, which we learned last year but it was a necessary review." the girl started drawing out the flower petals and it's stem, pistil, ovary, and all the important parts they had to know in order to do their next lab the following day.

✓ TRAINING WHEELS,  j. jafarUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum