i. thing one and thing two

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thing one and thing two.

as his lips reconnected with hers, his soft hands grasped her waist and pushed her against the wall, her hands roving in his long hair. a foul word escaped his mouth as he struggled not to worship the woman in front of him. "is this okay?"


y/n felt herself slowly wake up in her shared dorm, turning to her side as she watched angelica tremaine almost burn herself with her curling iron. "ow!"

the blonde watched as her friend slowly stood up, groaned and made her way to the showers. "y/n! get excited! the vks are coming today!" angelica was to preppy for her, but somehow y/n stuck with her regardless.

"yep, trust me i'm plenty excited," her sarcasm was noticeable from miles away. angelica rolled her eyes and then smiled, she was perfect for this town, acted just as audrey, minus the righteous bitch.

y/n felt a rush of sleeplessness as she hopped in the shower, listening to angelica's lana del rey playlist from afar.

after her shower, y/n got herself dressed and did her makeup, she wore a big comfy beige sweater, with a sage green skirt under, long faded black tights and her doc martins. for her makeup, she just did a natural look with only concealer, blush and mascara, also applying eyeliner to her waterline to add the extra pop.

as y/n finished doing her work in the bathroom, angelica approached and snatched her eyelash curler, "thanks, bae," she said with a wink and rushed over to her little desk space. she really was the cutest.

the two finally finished getting dressed and ready and added their final touches before leaving the room, running into audrey and jane on their way out.

what a fun surprise. "hello, y/n, angelica! you guys look," she paused and giggled, "nice." her jaw was clenched into a fake smile as jane gave a little waves audrey gave her a look and then jane fixed her posture and fake smile.

"yeah, interesting," jane said, with a similar fake smile. angelica said something about jane looking like dora before walking away with a giggle from y/n.

"dealing with thing one and thing two today is going to ruin my mood, they're just stuck up pricks. well, audrey is. jane seems nice until she follows audrey." angelica conversed as the two walked down the hallway.

y/n smiled a little at her cat in the hat comment, when they turned the corner and saw ben bickering with chad, as per usual.

"they don't deserve a spot here!"

"yes they do, who are you to say that?"

"prince chad?"

"are you the soon to be king? no. so get out of here and stop complaining before i banish you to the isle myself. i don't think you'd be able to survive there so i recommend shutting up."

bens last comment made him dramatically roll his eyes, and when he was done they landed on the two.

"y/n! angelica! so happy you lovely ladies got to hear that." he said, wrapping his arms around the two women and quickly walking away from chad.

✓ TRAINING WHEELS,  j. jafarWhere stories live. Discover now