ix. gossip girls, featuring carlos

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gossip girls, featuring carlos.

making a party playlist was definitely not for the weak. so many requests, artists and songs that people hate. you can never fully please everyone.

there y/n sat, on her bed, finishing up her bipolar party playlist. she had taken a break from her indecisiveness on which swimsuit to wear.

lilac blew a bubble with her gum, "just go for the slutty one, yolo!" she said, applying her waterproof mascara and slight waterproof makeup. she was a literal diva.

angelica stole the mascara from her, originally being hers as she added on, "girl, do not listen to my fifteen year old sister. she wishes she was allowed to wear slutty shit, that's why she's encouraging you so bad."

lilac rolled her eyes as eva giggled, pulling out her swimsuit. "i like mine, it doesn't have to be slutty for it to be cute."

"yes it does," lilac commented, completely disregarding what her older sister just said. angelica dramatically rolled her eyes before searching for her swimsuit.

"you know, that carlos kid is cute. he gives off like a submissive, type but like if you mess with me i'll whoop your ass, you know?" she said, messing around as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"it's those villain kids, them being evil automatically makes them hot," evangeline mentioned, "the blue haired girl is my favorite. if i hadn't already figured out i was gay, she would've been my gay awakening."

the group laughed at that, as angelica continued. "no but he actually is cute. like i wonder if i should hang out with him tonight."

y/n cleared her throat, "well, you are the person who invited them and told them to meet us here in twenty minutes so it's only fair if you make a move when i make a move."

angelica smiled, "you're right. im not gonna do anything extreme thought, i barely know him. i always thought he had a thing for jane but after yesterday he looked like he wanted to hit a woman. i don't blame him, she switched up so quickly."

the girls snickered a little and all continued what they were doing. y/n pulled out one of angelica's never worn, light pink, triangle top swimsuits. "this one's cute."

angelica smiled, "that would actually fit you so well. try it on, if it fits, keep it. don't expect much, though, i got it from shein."

y/n laughed to herself as she went to go put it on. she did, checked herself out in the mirror, then walked out. when she walked out, the girls started whistling and acting like animals, which made her laugh.

however, she told them to shut up or fairy godmother would call animal control, thinking the zoo animals from down the road broke in.

she did a spin, "gyatt," angelica murmured, trying to play it off, looking around the room. y/n rolled her eyes, "okay, let's not start that."

whenever angelica brought it up once, that was all she would say the rest of the night, practically out of habit. angelica smiled and winked, "you just wait, sweetheart."

y/n blew her a kiss then figuring out her hair. then she decided if she wanted makeup or no makeup. about ten minutes later, they heard a knock on the door.

lilac swung it open and it was just evie, "mal stopped in the bathroom but there was no way i was waiting."

she had a light blue one piece, coordinating with her hair as she shut the door behind her. "okay i also have some questions before mal gets back, though."

she smiled sweetly, and turned to eva, "first of all, can we please make sure doug is invited."

evangeline smiled, "already done, girl."

evie giggled and then turned to angelica. "where did you get your hair done because i am obsessed!?" angelica pulled up her hairdressers instagram and gave it to her.

then, evie turned to y/n. "what is going on with you and jay? he's doesn't just punch people for fun!?" she commented.

"i noticed that too, what is going on?" another voice said, walking through the door. y/n was relieved it was only her and not jay, that would've been interesting.

y/n tried not to start smiling, "i don't know, but yesterday when i was cleaning his knuckles, ya know he said he cared about me, and said he's never cared about anybody before, which really made me smile. not the fact that he doesn't care for people but the fact that he cares about me out of literally everyone else."

mal smiled and evie's jaw dropped slightly, "he told you that?"

y/n nodded.

"no fucking way," evie mumbled, smiling and starting to fangirl for her. "he like never shares his feelings with anybody! you must be special, girl."

y/n started smiling and hiding her face but immediately looked up when there was another knock at the door. "did we interrupt something? i heard suspicious laughter from down the hallway." jay said with carlos following behind him, entering the room.

evie quickly responded, "no, you didn't. oh shit, jay could you go grab me a hair tie from my room? i completely forgot one." she said, handing him her keys.

jay shrugged, "sure," then quickly ran down the stairs and to the other side of the dorms.

"okay we don't have much time, but are you planning on, ya know, making a move tonight?" evie asked, smiling big and sitting on the end of the bed across from y/n.

carlos' jaw dropped when he realized what they were talking about, "is this about jay and y/n?"

all the girls shouted a loud yes. carlos rolled his eyes, "i've noticed it too. he had been less of a douche bag, lately. you must be special."

"that's what everybody keeps saying!" y/n said, trying not to hide her face. mal smiled and sat next to evie, "do you have a plan?"

y/n's smile widened, and she had to stop herself from giggling out loud, "yes i do."

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

EEEE sorry y'all i'm rlly
dragging this out but
idc this is my story and i
am literally giggling
just writing this
like ughhhhh that fine man ok i'm sorry


prepare yourself ;)


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