viii. the annoying bird, audrey

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the annoying bird, audrey.

jay never thought he'd manage to meet a pretty girl, let alone get bandaged by her.

there he sat, in dakota's desk chair as y/n hovered over him, straddling his body as she lightly grazed his hand with cleaning alcohol and he tried not to wince.

"i'm okay, really," he insisted.

y/n rolled her eyes, "right, the sounds you're making say otherwise," she said, lightly placing his hand down as he winced.

he covered his mouth with his other hand. "fuck."

y/n laughed a little as she grabbed the full kit, and a little cotton pad.

she sprayed more alcohol onto it and started grazing the bruises once more.

"you know, you really didn't have to punch him. trust me, i really appreciate you doing that, but you didn't have to."

jay looked at his lap, practically rethinking his entire life. "i know, but he got too close to you." he spoke.

"and i guess- i don't know- something snapped? i guess. he was disrespecting you, which is something i won't allow. and i just felt like it was necessary."

y/n sighed and watched as he kept his head down. "well, thank you. that was so badass-" she started, jay laughed a little under his breath, some reason still keeping his head down.

"jay?" she said, noticing his avoidance of eye contact and sniffles every now and then. he didn't respond, just sat there. she repeated his name once more, still no answer. she sucked a breath in, as she gently lifted his chin up with her hand. "i'm okay. i just feel bad for causing trouble. what chad said really hurt me. i don't enjoy hurting people."

y/n sympathetically frowned as he continued talking.

"people on his island just don't realize how we grew up. and when they do, they over exaggerate it. i don't enjoy hurting people, my dad just always taught me to fend for myself, not caring about others. that's why it's been weird lately-" he stopped abruptly.

she was confused. "what do you mean, lately?" he took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to say.

"i guess- i just mean, that like i've never cared for anyone before. and it's been weird lately, because whenever someone mentions your name, i instantly listen. whenever someone is mean to you, i get mad. it's a weird feeling, because i've only ever cared for myself, but i think i care for you." he stopped, looking directly into her eyes.

she was silent. he started, hoping, that she would say something soon. she opened her mouth as his eyebrows raised

"jay," was all she said. he quickly responded, "yes?"

she smiled, a good sign for him.

"i think i care for you, too."


the next day was rather awkward for the villain kids, walking around school like their first day, all eyes on them as if they were menacing creatures.

✓ TRAINING WHEELS,  j. jafarWhere stories live. Discover now