-''Never like them''-

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To say Anko was on the ledge of a heart attack was... Quite the understatement, so much so that she was just even unable to start the scolding of the century brewing in her mind and making the tension rise in all those present.

"One." She pointed at Árnyék, voice in disbelief. "Two." At I'ke, Ney'ite's ikran. "Three." At Jake's. "Four." At the newer one, Neytiri tamed her, seeing the ikrans even if the other Na'vi and avatar she mentioned weren't present, wanting to talk to the kids alone. "Four." She repeated.

The children stood in an extremely tensed silence.

"Four!" She bent her thumb in while showing them four of her fingers before pointing behind them. "Five and six?!" Pointing to the two extremely similar ikrans there as the twins dropped their head. "Seven?!" This time it was talking about the man they had brought back with them from the base but it was obvious enough with the way she was pointing at him. "Five and six?!" She grabbed her head between her hands, thumbs pressed into her temples.

"Mom I--" She lifted a hand, Ney'lia almost swallowing her tongue with the stressed gulp as she shut up.

Anko rubbed her eyes, dragging the hand down her face and cupping her chin.

"Five and six." She muttered, shaking her head, hands up and gesturing without words as if she was talking and looking at the sky as if Eywa would hold the answers.

"You." She finally said something else then numbers, the finger pointed at Karven who tensed up. "You are supposed to be a great hunter, Tsu'tey taught you better then do something like this, you were supposed to stop her because you knew better."

She looked at Ney'lia who looked at Karven as she hung her head in shame.

"You." Ney'lia picked her head up, eyes tear. "You disregarded all that came with tradition and your safety, not only getting injured but breaking a sacred right of passage."

"You." Spider gulped in fear. "You were to radio in before doing anything, you were to lay low and be our mole, you were supposed to act and behave carefully."

"You." Bak'teyo was shaking, this lecture coming before any of them had even had time to recover, his mom having sent his mother away before she could help with his injuries but this hurt more then they could. "You know yourself, you should have been way more careful, look at what you got yourself in and what happened."

All the children looked down, standing closer and closer since this stand off, as if either could protect the other.

An angered sigh was heard.

"Come here." It was quite a big group, four children, but the adult didn't seem to have and trouble pulling them all in her arms together. "You are safe now, nothing else will hurt any of you." They kids all looked at each other, confused. "You were stupid, idiots, but all that matters is that you are all back alive. Yes you should have stopped her but you never left her alone. Yes you should have never done that but it was to protect him. Yes you ignored orders but it was to save yourselves. Yes you are too gentle for an ikran but you have the strength of one."

She let go, crouching down, the children did it too, almost making a little huddle.

"I made my share of mistakes, stupid mistakes, idiot mistakes, mistakes that cost lives." She grabbed Karven's and Bak'teyo's shoulders as they were on the edge of the group. "Be more responsible, think it through, think of the consequences, don't run in head down."

She gave their shoulders' a squeeze before standing.

"Go in, they need to check on your wounds and if you have any, rest up, we'll be going home at tomorrow's dawn." She sent them away with a head nod.

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