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Tsu'tey leads four direhorse riders up the trail with his own.

Two the Na'vi brothers and the two dreamwalkers.

The horses' hooves clop right next to a sheer drop into a misty canyon. 

Iknimaya translates roughly as stairway to heaven. It's the test every young hunter has to pass and it was the time for the four of them.

Tsu'tey lift his arm to stop them and all are looking at an astounding formation. Thick vine-like trees have trapped large floating boulders in their gnarled grip, sadly Ko could tell from the glint to the boulders that many were made of unobtanium and the sky people would destroy it if they know of this.

 A hundred meters above them more boulders are woven into the twisted vine-trunks. This is some sort of freak natural occurrence for humans, having nothing similar on earth even before it was destroyed, like the mythical beanstalk, going up into the clouds. 

There is a thundering roar, like an artillery barrage, and the shook ground under there feet.

Ko chuckles as Loh stumbles a bit because of it.

Jake looks around at one of the floating mountains grinding against the flank of a nearby mesa. A huge rockfall is set loose. The mountain is drifting toward them, filling half the sky. The rest dismount to join Loh standing. 

Jake looks up at the beanstalk going into the clouds. He turns to Tsu'tey, who is checking the young hunters' gear and then Ko who was still not talking to him but he didn't try either, not wanting to annoy her more, his nose still remembering the punch and how many of the people became snappy with him because of it.

"We doin' this?" Jake asked, pointing up at the vines but instead of an answer he saw Tsu'tey jump and catch a vine and started climbing, Loh following with his brother.

"Duh." Ko rolled her eyes and leapt after, climbing after them.

Jake leaps to catch up as Tsu'tey and the hunters swarm up the base of the beanstalk, Ko was better then him but still jealous of how easy they did it.


200 meter up the stalks, the hunters nimbly climb along the vine-trunks. They clamber over one of the unobtanium boulder which is lifting this incredible tree and which makes Ko glare at it, why did it need to exist? Humans can't stay away from it. 

Jake looks down, the massive trunk dwindles to the size of a licorice stick. A chunk breaks off a boulder as he climbs over it, it floats upward. 

"Keep up Sully." Ko calls out as he kept staring at the floating chunk.

They reach the upper branches of the beanstalk. Above them, the craggy underbelly of the mountain called Mons Veritatis looms. Spray from one of the waterfalls hits them. Some of the hanging vines are brushing over the upper branches of the beanstalk with a crackling hiss. One by one the hunters grab onto vines as they pass. Jake shrugs, ready to climb again and leaps to a passing vine, his feet dangling over nothingness. They climb toward the floating islands above. 

Ko followed the brothers into the tunnel behind the waterfall, hearing distant sounds of the ikran.

Jake looks down the sheer cliff at the world far below and peaks out at the ikrans with everyone else.

Leathery wings flap in the wind as Neytiri's and Ney'ite's ikran land, Ko didn't know what Neytiri was doing here but she was happy Ney'ite popped up.

Blue Shadow (F.Navi.OC X F.Avatar.OC) CURRENTLY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now