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Anko snapped awake, jerking up.

She sighed deeply.

"Are you alright?"

She looked to the side with a smile, Mo'at had not waited a day... The moment the Na'vi set up their sleeping quarter with the hammocks in nearby trees surrounding the well of soul, Anko had instantly been given a huge one stretched out between several branches, one destined for families and for a good reason, the little family was already big enough.

Not only was she sharing with Ney'ite and Inuk but also soon would Tey'lia when they went to gather her and Loh was also sleeping near in the corner even if neither women had any problem if he slept closer.

"Not used to waking up in this body that's all Ney." She shrugged, it had only been one day since humans left and since she was in this body. "Plus we kind of buried me? So yeah..." She shrugged.

"Few get to live through what you did." Ney'ite sat up, Inuk having somehow rolled to the ledge of the fabric and half hanging off it while holding on the ledge and still sleeping casually, Loh having already vanished. "We have one life and yet you've been granted a second."

"I know but it still feels like a dream." She scratched her back.

"You know what? I have an idea."


"Let me wake Inuk and I'll show you."


Anko followed after Ney'ite with Inuk hanging of her tail like usual, it made her think of earth elephants and how in documentaries she saw the babies hold their mother's tail.

It had not been a day since humans left but Na'vi worked fast, not only had they set up the hammocks but much of their life again around this tree.

Anko still saddened by the hometree's destruction on the inside, thought the clan shouldn't be content with purely living here... Plus the idea of her body buried between the roots was slightly unsettling.

When she first arrived on Pandora she had observed her avatar, nothing seemed that off about it but to be in this body and look at the human one was not something her ex-race was supposed to witness or anyone as Ney'ite said. This double life existed only because humans created the avatar.

Even she was surprised by the state she was in, unable to explain how she was alive still, the mask of the empty, mindless, body hadn't even been removed like Grace's, it had died the moment her soul left to go through the eye, only her stubbornness seeming to be a reason why it made it that long.

"Come." Ney'ite pulled her along to an almost familiar sight, women sitting or crouching in a circle and weaving cloth and leather for clothing and other things, the Omaticaya were known for their skill as weavers between the clans.

The clans had all left to go home after the threat was eliminated, leaving like leaves in the wind, as if they were never here, taking their dead with them.

"Now sit." Net'ite pushed her down.

"What are we doing here?" She greeted the women back absentmindedly as she asked, hand to her forehead.

"Everyone of the people has something called a songcord made when they are born. The cords are created using various materials such as beads, crystal, bits of bone and plant material strung onto a long piece of twine or thread, that will all be the choice of the individual. They create their own songcords and expand on them continuously, adding a new item to the cord for any significant life event that occurs. The significance of each bead and item on a Na'vi's songcord is only known by them and their closest friends and family. When a Na'vi dies, their friends and family sing their songcord during their funeral in mourning and remembrance. The individual is then buried alongside their cord.... You've been born again, you should have your own."

"I have no idea how to make one." Anko said as she looked at all the little bowls on the ground with several of the mentioned things in the middle of the group.

"You sure do, you'll know as you work."

She looked down and grabbed a thin thread, staring at the brown of it, thinking.


She got more enamored with this songcord idea, humans would burn the dead in carton boxes and take pictures of events but this felt more personal.

She was concentration quite a bit, having only got about a little less then a half of the cord figured out but deciding it was enough, leaving place for the future even if she knew things could be added on.

Anko's smile got bigger, she had a future and one that was worth living for, all of that because she came here, on earth nothing was worth it and here, she was ready to die for these people and live with them.

She can't play dumb and as bad as it sounds, she'll miss smoking in a way, this body was not addicted so she never felt the need but it was a way of escape and she was sure with Jake around she'll want to smoke herself to her second grave soon enough.

There were many things she'd miss but none would be enough to make her regret any of her choices made.

She looked at the little cord with a smile.

She looked at the little cord with a smile

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(There is more to it but I can't yet show.... Yes I did a drawing of Ko and a few stuff but amma wait a second before showing them to you guy.)

She could have started with her human life and not where it ended technically, the death of her sister meant the end of her life on earth, but she thought it was not meant to be, that this was the life, the avatar's life, that should be recorded.

Having used quite a few of the materials to do it.

She had left a while ago, saying her goodbyes, tying the cord around her waist and it hung down diagonally.

There was almost a bounce in her steps, a whole new world open to her now and forever.

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