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The first back was the young male.

Tonowari saw the forest Na'vi sit on the shore, watching the waters as the sun set, the light of the underwater plants filling the area.

"Your friend will be back." He said, still mostly the only one believing the woman will keep her promise.

"She is not just a friend, she is family.... Mine and Takov's parents died as great hunters and even tho she is not of blood it felt like she's our sister... Now that Takov is gone I can't lose her too."

"I believe she will keep true too her promise."

"I do too but I worry, I haven't seen her nor Árnyék when I came back from the scooting as she asked and it is quite hard to lose a black ikran almost the size of a turuk."

The Olo'eyktan pat the younger male on the shoulder before the horn signalling an arrival was blown.

"Come." He told the young male, with a cry, calling his own skimwing to him and hopping on, Loh hopped on his ikran to fly above the water as he followed the leader with many others.

They respectively swam and flew out to the gathering group who pushed aside to let them through, spotting the large black ikran sitting on a stone outcropping and the missing woman.

Loh first noticed the blood dried on her face and the wounds while Tonowari saw the red beast she was sitting on and the lack of a bond again.

"I told you I could do this." The woman said while looking over his shoulder, her did too, noticing the grin was aimed at Ronal who rode an ilu up to them. "All I needed was a bit of convincing... She won't cause more trouble, grief makes you act out."

"Grief?" The chief asked.

"Yeah, demon base, they caught skimwings and other beings, hurting them for knowledge, with no way of hurting them she took it out on others, I put an end to that too."

"Come, you are hurt, the least we could do is help you."


Ko held in hisses as the thin fishbone bit into her skin on the back of her shoulder, feeling Ronal tie a knot on it, she much preferred human stitches but this will do.

Her hands had been wrapped in some soft of seaweed that still haven't turned brittle even if they dried up, the bloody face was just watched, the cut on the head from the tussle having stopped bleeding a while ago.

Ko stared into the water underneath the home suspended over it, the temptation to jump in the water to escape this pain was there, the red skimwing resting there, near to them.

"Our finest warriors will accompany you." The male said to her when his mate was gone.

"Thanks." Ko nodded.

"You helped us, we need to repay."

"I appreciate it."

"Now, it is late, get some shut eye, I assume you'll wish to leave in the morning tomorrow."

"Right... Name's Anko by the way."



Ko once started to think her human life was the dream and her avatar was real.... She wished that it was the case.

The first breath after unlinking felt like a gut punch.

She opened the pod but laid in it in the darkness of the stolen link site.

She coughed, feeling like her lungs were obstructed, pain wracking through her body.

She got out of it, white knuckling the metal ledge as she stood on her leg and the crutch tied to her, she didn't take it off, feeling like she wouldn't be able to walk unless it is attached to her because of the pain.

It felt like liquid metal through her veins and yet frozen, her having trouble to move and to sit still, trembling, feeling the nerves act up too.

Not only did she staple her leg, have it shot through but it was now losing mobility too, soon she'll be using a wheelchair like Jake.

She stumbled, holding onto the wall as she could, cold sweat covering her burning skin as she did her best to keep her struggled breathing leveled and silent to not wake up people that were sleeping, they would worry more then they already do and not let her help out, sit and do nothing while her people are being killed.

Nausea threatened the woman who struggled to her bunk, laying on her back, ever little movement sending the nerves in a frenzy, now her whole arm, part of her torso and stomach and that leg too the knee was affected, feeling the venom crawl through her veins and up her neck as if it was trying to strangle her.

That leg needs to hold up, she needs to be able to move no matter how much this spreads.

She pulled off her glove, her whole hand ash white with the brown webbing under her skin bulging out and feeling hard, the black around the bite had spread too, it hurt the less now.

She could tell what this was now, having seen her fair share as a soldier.... Symptoms include discolored skin, severe pain followed by numbness she was currently feeling in the area and foul discharge, lucky her it didn't yet reach that stage but would since her flesh was rotting away, dead... Some gnarly gangrene.

Gangrene requires urgent care. Treatment includes antibiotics and removing dead tissue.... Something that would do little to stop the rest of the spread.... Her days were counted.

"Just a little bit more." She promised herself. "I just need to hold on a bit more." She couldn't leave them in this time of need, when peace came back, the daughter of Eywa wouldn't be needed and she wouldn't feel as bad for what happens to her.

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