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Ko's anger was dangerous but so was her fury.

Her anger always blazed hot, harsh, and loud. It shone in the darkest of nights and devoured.... But every fire burnt out, it burns down to smoldering ashes before only those remain.... But cold.

On the contrary her fury was cold and calculated, like a blizzard that blinded you, gnawed its way through your clothes until it bit your skin, leaving deep frostbites where the teeth of fury struck, leaving injuries to forever mark you as her target. Her fury was cold and calm like death, unyielding like the strongest of beasts and eternal like the heavens and the earth.

And it was that fury that spurred Árnyék's flight through the skies of Pandora, flashing through the skies like the deadliest omen.

Despite the great speeds, Ko had unlinked for a moment, letting Norm fix the hole in her leg before she bled out, she fixed the other wounds well enough for her to survive but the pain of that once thought to be insignificant insect bite was just growing worst, feeling like a tight belt pulled around her chest, stealing her breath away. Once her leg fixed, she linked back in.

She sat up on the ikran but heard the echo of wing flaps now, she whipped her hand around with a glare.

"Loh! Turn back!" She yelled, the boy pushing his ikran to catch up, the black and dark green beast the same size as Jake's one so it didn't seem to struggle as much as a smaller one would.

"He pushed me out of the way! I won't let you do the same to me! I am not losing you too! I am coming along!" He yelled back at her.

She sighed through her nose with a glare before looking back ahead, they were already ways from the well with the speed of the flight.

"It is your job to keep up! I will not wait for you!"


The oceans of Pandora were vast and seemingly endless as the two ikrans flew, skimming the water's surface, having flowed for a long time and big distances and night was setting.

No matter the urgency, they needed to make a stop.

Ko would have pushed on but she could feel the growing weight of Árnyék's own wings, how each flap of them consumed the still remaining strength, so she veered towards a small our cropping of islands.

The ikrans landed with loud thuds and Ko hopped off him, pulling the queue apart.

"You go left." She instructed Loh, walking to the right. "Check everywhere for danger, then we'll set up for the night as we are waking early."

"Right." He nodded, jogging off as he held his bow, ready to fight if needed.

She marched along the shore, the bow in her hand with an arrow, squeezed in her hand.

She had woken up in the hometree when it was under attack and grabbed a random bow and arrows because she hadn't yet carved her own.

Her hold tightened on it, she'd never get to make her own bow now and the owner of this one would never get to use it again, dead by the hands of her race.

"I'll kill them with it I promise." She whispered, looking at it. "I'll avenge you and every single Omaticaya that died at their hands. I fought not by hate but love to protect... Those times are over I fear..."

She stopped walking when she heard a deep whale-like wail, crouching down and scooted towards the rocky growths behind which the sound came from.

She peeked out over it, surprised at the sight.

She put the arrow away and strung the bow around her body, climbing up in a crouch on the rocks.

It was actually a whale-like creature with a head crest in the shape of a flat crescent moon bent up in horns.

A long sensory organs protruding from the bottom of their snouts seemed to be torn off and bleeding with the bloody gash on their 'face'.

The most shocking was that it was actively trying to beach itself, using its flippers to pull itself on the sand.

Ko hopped down, causing it to notice her.

"I mean no harm." She lifted her arms, looking at the blood. "Does that hurt?" She asked since from this close it actually looked like dried blood washing off.

The beast looked at her and made a series of noises, if she hadn't gotten the ability to understand being without a bond to them she sure wouldn't have understood it.

She was surprised how intelligent the answer was, sorrow and pain weighing in the heart of the Pandoran whale.

"Who dared to hurt a beauty like you?" She touched its rough skin with her palm, just under his big eye. "Why try hurt yourself over it?" And it sadly sang it sorrows: a dead mother, a failed revenge, death of many as only he came back, outcast and chased away and now he wanted to die to save himself the pain, to choose to die by his own strength.

"You shouldn't give up on life, you have not yet explored all of the oceans have you?" He hadn't. "Nor have you seen all there is to see, did you?" No, again. "It doesn't matter if other are mean there is so much left to do for you, reasons to live."

She stepped away from him.

"I am those you called demon blood." She showed her fingers. "I am of the race that killed your mother but I killed my own sister on accident too, my parents told me to come here and die, I was fully ready to comply but I found a new family, a family of Na'vi and humans on this world that are worth fighting those that hurt this world for, I will die soon anyway but I will fight to keep them alive and you should too, find that new family of yours that makes every bloodshed and turning your back on your race worth the world.... So if I could get better, you can too."

The whale vocalized again, looking at her intensely since the start.

"I am called Anko." She smiled. "And yes, I'll be part of your family if you forgive me the race I was born as, tho I must go soon, I must find the Metkayina, the demons are trying to kill my family and I need their help."

The whale called out and she smiled.

"Great to know we are going the good direction, thank you.... And what is your name? I gave you mine." He makes a grumbled noise, shaking the ground slightly. "Why don't you have one?" He sounds out how he was forbidden from it because of what he did.

She looked at him sadly.

"What if I give you one? A gift to you? But only if you get back in the water."

The beast watched her for a while before slowly dragging himself backwards into the water where he floated, looking at her.

She thought for a while, scratching her chin before smiling, yelling since he needed to swim quite a bit away to be able to float again and not touch the bottom.

"Payakan! You'll be Payakan! It means brave heart!" (I am bullshitting here, no idea what it might mean in Na'vi.) She created a sort of amplifier by surrounding her mouth with her hands. "Tell everyone with pride and own it!"

He dove under the water before jumping out of it and falling on his back, she chuckled.

"Now swim! Explore the world and find a reason to live!"

She watched the shape sink in the water and not come back up, swimming away as a dark shadow.

She sighed.

"Find a reason like I had too." She grabbed her arm, unhurt as an avatar but ground zero for the ailment that is spreading through the veins and flesh in her human body. "I'll protect them as long as I breathe and I'll hunt them as long as they do." 

Blue Shadow (F.Navi.OC X F.Avatar.OC) CURRENTLY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now