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(I'll share their face claims when they get to the age the claims correspond too, they are already in the very first chapter anyway.)


The break neck child of the big Sully family... Even if she did prefer her mom's sky people name, Havelark, much more dangerous sounding with the strong K at the end of it.

She was the danger child, getting in trouble, the chaos of an unchained free spirit in a world such as this, with not walls.

Looking up to how her mom fought, the strength too her, how she died for them, how she came back, she just wanted to be like her tho without the death.

And she was like her, a bit too much, but she was.

Like mother like daughter.

Great respect for the living and no hate for her enemies, fighting by love for those she protects, wishing to fly free and be free, be strong and protect.

And as she grew so did this.

Her mom was the Olo'eyktan, so Tey'lia and Inuk, her older siblings but not by blood, had less of a claim then she had to the Olo'eyktan even if neither really wanted it as Ewya wanted as such and since her brother was a softer soul, he was more inclined to be Tsahik. (I read somewhere any gender could be either of these roles.)

But Ney'lia didn't want, skipping out on lessons with her grandma or mom to frolic through the forest, run through the trees and swim through the waters of freedom.

Too much of a strong spirit to be shackled into a role she didn't want, she'll just have to wait for Inuk or Tey'lia to realize they are the better choice.

She ran across a thin branch and hopped to the next.

"Ney'lia! Slow down!" She rolled her eyes but waited for her brother to catch up.

They were really close, both being a gift from Eywa and born on the same day from the same pregnancy does that, them having a bond.

"He is right, you should wait for us." Karven caught up, running along the floor instead of the lower branched, holding a bow while the twins only had a knife each, not yet knowing how to hold a bow but able to minimally defend themselves with the blades. Ney'lia wanted the knife with RDA written on it her mom always had, it was so cool and it never dulled, she'd just need to be a great hunter like Karven and she'd get it, she would, she'd make sure that promise was kept.

"Oh come on both of you kill joys, run faster brother. I wanted to come alone, I always come alone and I've always been fine." She said, hopping off the tree branch and into the brush. "And you Karven, abandoning Kiri? How weird of you... You are stuck to her side like that hissy ikran of hers." Ney'lia was jealous of Kiri and how easily she got her flying beast, promising herself to get a really huge one.

The luminous dots on the other young girl's face flashed up brightly making Ney'lia 'Ooh~' And nudge her, only the get whacked with the bow.

"She is just my friend and she needs protecting, unlike you, she doesn't fight back when teased."

"I need protection myself."

"You usually escalate the fights, your victims need to protection, not you."


"Sister, Karven, don't fight, please." Bak'teyo nervously said, knowing how much of an easy time Ney'lia had with making Karven blow a gasket, whatever gasket meant, he just heard his mom say that when Karven's teacher and guardian, Tsu'tey, got angry at her, Peyral almost having an impossible time with calming him down and saying he can't murder the Olo'eyktan even if she calls him a 'grumpy-poo'.

Karven huffed as Ney'lia just lifted her arms in surrender like their mom would when pissing of their mother (mom = Anko / mother = Ney'ite), the only person able to scare her.

"So long bummer." Ney'lia said before turning, running ahead, back on her mission.

The other two followed her all up until a little clearing.

"Look!" She excitedly whispered, poking forwards.

When peeking out Bak'teyo so a really small pack of nantang with babies, three adults and three babies.

"Be calm." She said and stepped out, Karven wanting the strangle her for such a reckless move.

"Ney'lia!" She said, oddly enough, a sky person type of pronunciation of her name slipped out, having been a good student of the language but pronouncing the words exactly like a sky person would and not how a Na'vi speaking that language would. "Get the fuc'k back." That sky person insult was a great fit in there.

Her brother was worried but the two hidden were surprised by the lack of aggression.

"Come out slowly, they won't bite." Ney'lia insisted, the two slowly coming out, the nantangs and the Na'vi being on edge but Ney'lia was just petting the mother nantang's head.

"You are really her daughter." Karven said, referring to her Olo'eytkan's ability to befriend any and all of Pandora's life forms.

"She was hurt, I helped her fix her leg, in exchange they didn't eat me."

"That's not a good deal." Bak'teyo said but despite it, they all ended up warming up to each other.

Well that was until a tracer round went off and it shook the forest out of its silence along with the scream of terror as the brains and flesh of the nantang he was playing with gently splattered in his face and chest, only droplets hitting the girls.

Panic instantly set in, the two remaining adults grabbing a pup each and abandoning the third one Ney'lia was holding in her arms with her as the Na'vi's panic was more shoving each other.

"UP! UP! UP!" Karven pulled Bak'teyo to his feet and pushed him to run, nocking an arrow and shooting towards the now loud screaming, the people giving away their position, firing it, and it was pure luck that she caught the little pink man in the shoulder. "Sky people... Here?"

"Karven!" She didn't need to be told twice, running after them.

They knew the forest so this time, since these sky people didn't expect to find Na'vi, they were actually shooting for the viperwolves without spotting the blue children, they were not ready for the chase and they got away.... Right?

"Mom! Mother!" Ney'lia ran to the tree, Karven looking over her shoulder, worried they were followed.

"What happened?!" Her mother ran up, following by a few adults and her mom, looking her over because of the blood.

"Sky people, there are sky people in the forest." Karven spoke up, out of breath as they ran with fire on their tails. "They killed a nantang."

"Ney'lia." She looked up at her mom's voice and had a slight flinch when the woman grabbed her shoulders, ignoring the protests of her mate. "How many were you?"

"It was just the three of us." She meekly said, for once not the big mouth she always was.

"Who?!" Her mom snapped a bit.

"Karven, Bak'teyo and I, I promise." She said, thinking she was mad and thinking she might be lying.

"They where is he?"


Panic set in the adults without her realizing what happened until the following words were heard.

"Where's your brother?"

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