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"What's going on here?" Ko asked as she watched Norm and Grace pack up science gear and supplies in boxes, looking like a dog almost with her tilted head, ear almost touching her shoulder.

"I'm not about to let Quaritch and Selfridge micro-manage this thing." Grace walked passed and pushed her head up straight, not being distracted from her work at all. "We're going up into the mountains. There's a mobile link up at Site 26 that we can work out of." She didn't know why Grace was in a bad mood up until Quaritch was mentioned.

After the school accident she didn't say a word to him and he found no use for her so it had been close to four years since they last spoke to each other, only exchanging glares now.

"The Hallelujah Mountains?" Norm asked, out of his bad mood from the day before.

"That's right." Grace said with a smile as Ko grabbed her notebook from her desk and slid it in the little shoulder bag she was always wearing as a human.

"Yesssss! The legendary floating Mountains of Pandora? Heard of them?" He said to Jake making her roll her eyes at the rivalry he was imagining for himself.


Trudy's Samson thunders over the rain forest, climbing into the mist shrouded mountains. With her in the sealed cockpit, Norm is up front, sitting left seat so Trudy can talk him through the flight controls because they weren't going to take an RDA personnel with them. 

Jake, Ko and Grace are behind them, in the jump-seats. Grace and Norm took their avatars along, both looking like they were sleeping in the back of the compartment.

Ko looked out with a smile, almost leaning out the open side of the vehicle for a better look. 

Enormous islands of rock are hovering a half mile above the ground surrounded them. They are overgrown with rain forest and scraggly beards of vines hang down beneath them. Waterfalls stream down the sides and dissolve into spray at the bottom. 

"You see this Sully? This is where the ikran live." Ko whispered to Jake who was staring in amazement. 

"It is both awe-inspiring and disturbing." He says back to her.


"Sorry I am late, we were moving bases, people sticking their noses where they shouldn't." She explained again to her teacher who was mad ever since she woke up and refused to speak to her.

She sighed and drew the bow again only for her arm to be slapped down and her stomach poked in, legs kicked apart.

"You could tell me what I am doing wrong instead of shoving me around, moron." She hissed but didn't move from her new pose.

"Aren't you a warrior? You should know how to do this if you want to call yourself that."

"I am a sky person remember? We are different from you, I was trained as a sky person for sky person wars. If you were a sky person I'd have long bested you."

"But I am not."

"No you aren't." She finally let go of the arrow and swooshed through the air, hitting the side of the target.


She drew the bow but this time her shoulder was pushed down and the hand holding the arrow pushed down... This was going to be a long day.

Blue Shadow (F.Navi.OC X F.Avatar.OC) CURRENTLY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now