-Three Way Plans-

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(Future me: I just realized what three way plans might sound like to some... Fuck.)


The human boy looked up, seeing the white haired avatar land next to him, standing full height.

She was quite intimidating but unlike Neytiri or Jake, he felt like she accepted him more.
He knew and felt it, it was like a stray dog even if he basically lived with the family, this woman had squared up to Neytiri once for having tried to kill him when the Na'vi had felt he overstayed his welcome, that was years ago but he'd never forget what he owes her.

"Yes?" He asked, standing from the crouch, knocking a leather pouch in a bush with the same movement.

He saw her eyes look where the bag had gone before looking at him, both knowing it was not discrete at all. Maybe the woman didn't know why he wanted to leave but he knew, he needed to help somehow, his people had done this

"I have something to ask of you." She said. "But you are to tell no one where you are going." She said, the boy sensing the seriousness of such an ask.

"I'll do anything." And he would for the woman that would take his side.

"It is nothing near the danger you might imagine but it is dangerous." She eased his worries just a bit, crouching so he was the same height as him, knocking her knuckles in his mask. "Wipe that constipated look off your face." With a dry chuckle that didn't erase the grief from what went down.

He touched the mask but waited for her to speak on.

"Wipe your strips off, put on the clothes Norm has for you and tie up your hair, from now on until new orders, you are sky person."

He blinked at her but nodded.

"I need you listen very carefully because this might be our only way to get too him."

"Bak'teyo." She nodded at his words.

He might finally be able to repay his life.

He might finally be accepted as part of the people.

He might finally be seen as one instead of an outsider by the parents of whom he sees as brothers.

"I'll do anything I can to help." He declared, chest puffed out, ready for all.


"I wouldn't do that if I was you." Ney'lia heard the voice over her shoulder. "The forest is dangerous at night and you know it."

She had everything at the ready, now she just needed a ride.

She had packed a leather bag strapped over her shoulder, her weapons, her courage and had gone to the Pa'li enclosure but someone was already waiting for her.

"Karven." She hissed, not really happy to see her face, walking passed her. "I will not let you stand in my way."

"I know whatever you are planning on doing will not end well Ney'lia. You can't leave, not now."

"They have my brother Karven, what should I do? Sit on my ass?" She turned back to her.

"That's what they need us to do!" The other Na'vi said, arms lifted slightly in rebuttal.

"We are t'wins." A human word that didn't exist in the Na'vi world as before now no children have been born like her and her brother had. "You have no idea how it feels, like I have been cut off from the world, like half of me died... He is somewhere out there and I was meant to protect him so I will not let you stop me from finding a way to help him." She lifted her hand, pointer finger held up in warning.

Karven just slapped her hand aside with a scoff.

"Who said I'll be stopping you?"


"It is my fault too, I was with you, I should have pained more attention to him, to both of you. I bring shame to Tsu'tey as my teacher with such failure... I can't let you out of my sight... But I never said you couldn't do whatever mind bending idea you have come with for I know nothing that I could say will ever bring you to a stop, you are too much like your mom for me to succeed."

Ney'lia just stared for a moment, surprised such a serious and usually calm Na'vi was ready to set out on such a reckless journey, following the mindless plan she came up with, without even knowing what it was.

"Get a Pa'li." She ended up saying. "We have a long road ahead."



"So you are her son."

This time Bak'teyo almost loathed the silence of the sky person guard, happy when the slop on the platter was slid in since that meant he was here.

"An you know my mom." Bak'teyo answered this time instead of the many hours of silence they had shared since he arrived. "When she was a sky person."

"I did know Anko Havelark." The voice confirmed and it felt good even if it hit the boy like a gut punch stealing away his breath. "What became of her?"

"She is Olo'eyktan."


"Olo'eyktan, protector of all, l'eader of many." He tried explaining so he could, in turn, get more out of the man later.

He heard a gruff laugh through the door that his hands were pressed too with his ear stuck to the holes in it to hear the man clearly.

"Of course she'd be, she always loved life even as one of the greatest warriors... I wish you could return to her boy but nothing can be done."

Bak'teyo sighed tho it was cut off by another chuckle.

"But then again, what Spartan gives up faced with a challenge?"

He couldn't help but grin for the first time in a long time.

Blue Shadow (F.Navi.OC X F.Avatar.OC) CURRENTLY ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora