-''Eye for an eye''-

392 28 1

The ikran flew high and mighty, casting a shadow onto the speeding creature bellow, following his rider along.

Having long left the protective circle of the tulkun, flying above the waves, the skimwing flew with powerful burst with one goal, finding that facility again as this once, she had a way to gain revenge.

Ko let, holding on and in a crouch on her back, eyes on a swivel, left to right to left, scanning the ocean before taking a deep breath as the creature dove underwater.

She looked on as it swam down and down into the depths, pulling her deeper and deeper.

The pressure was pushing on her ears but the lights of an underwater facility came into view.

It was a small one, made of thick glass and reinforced metal.

Ko swam away from the skimwing once it slowed to a stop and looked through the glass roof of the base.

A few humans inside but no mechs, tanks with many aquatic animals in them, surrounded by those people. Seeing a few RDA laugh as one shot in the water with a hand covering his eyes, trying to blindly shoot the creature in it.

She glared.

She turned to see the creature floating near and also staring in, her one scarred eye staring at her but not seeing.

She pulled herself on her and connected the queues, feeling like her breath didn't run out as fast when she did this. (Somewhere I read that like this, water creatures could partially share oxygen with the Na'vi.) Trying to make her understand she needed a way in.

She held hard as the skimwing shot forth and swam under the facility  and towards what looked like an opening for a underwater vehicle bay.

Ko unlinked and jumped off the skimwings back, swimming up.

She poked her head out of the water, seeing no one here so she grabbed the ledge and pulled herself out.

"Now to do this." She muttered, peaking in the main room.

This was a small facility, maybe only 20 to 30 staff operating it but it was still something for her alone plus she didn't want to endanger the Pandoran wildlife in here.... Plus she has injuries.

She had lost her arrows in the tussle with the skimwing but swam around to get them back and she had almost found all of them but it wasn't 20 to 30 arrows, she had 14 currently and these RDA had guns.

She pulled her knife out, the only human created weapon she had and would keep.

She back away from the entrance and looked at the crab looking submarine, hopping on the front of it.

She turned the knife in a reverse grip and tapped the glass of it, it sounded much less thick then the glass she stared through, like the scorpion airships.... meaning she could get through it.

With a sharp breath, she slammed the knife through the windshield of it, cracking it through.

She quickly climbed up the arms of the machine holding the the vehicle out of the water, hiding in the storage area for them, in the darkness of it.

She sheathed her knife and waited for several RDA members to walk over after hearing the noise.

She silently took the bow off and nocked two arrows at the same time, pulling back on the string, watching the humans walk around to the front of the ship before letting the arrow fly.

There was a gasp or two followed by a splash in the water.

She nocked another, waiting for the guy that came running to see what happened to arrive and shooting him too.

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