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Ko chuckled to herself.

"This is not funny anymore! Come back here!" She heard Grace as she laid close to the tree branch she was on, holding herself off it with her arm as she peeked over it and at the passing avatar below.

She was bored waiting so she went off to look around a little and found this much more entertaining then waiting with Grace.

It reminded her of when they were still little, her sister and her, without a care in the world, playing and climbing in the dying forests of earth and having fun before the years where they would drift apart came.

She carefully stood when she was sure Grace was far enough to not notice and with a start, leapt to a branch in front of her onto another tree, laughing to herself silently.

She walked along it, balancing on it until she arrived at larger branches that almost creates a bridge through the foliage, many branches weaved together to create this, she couldn't tell it if was intentional or accidental that these pathways were formed.

She walked along it in awe, looking at the greenery with specks of popping colors like reds, yellows, oranges and some mellow blues and purples mixed into it, earth had long lost most of its green color and she spent much of her life either on the mud brown battle field or in the dark grey skyscraper filled cities, it was an awing sight to behold after a life on earth.

She could see some odd creatures in the trees, many not paying attention to her, living their lives, it made her smile, she always got along great with animals on earth, remembering how her sister told her she'd be a great zoologist with such skills but the world was cruel and such was not her fate.

After a while of looking around she crouched down, hearing loud thumps, a low growl, looking at the creature walking passed underneath her perch.

She had never seen it but it inspired fear and caution, walking with the grace of an earthly tiger, an animal she only saw in movies since they died out long ago, it still reminded her of this white, cat-like, six legged creature as carried itself like it was the baddest bitch's on Pandora and might as well be.

Ko held her breath as she watched the muscles bulge as the thrill-like growths around its head moved like flaps of skin around the base of the skull.

She had only read about this enormous, powerful and ferocious animal, unique in its ability to lord over its territory and strike fear into other largest and fiercest of Pandora's carnivores, the apex predator of the land. She knew that even the Na'vi, who are renowned for their courage and skills in hunting, are shaken by the approach of the creature, simply by the sounds of it, she would have long moved but it mesmerized her, she thought they were black, not white, these Thanator beasts and yet she was staring at a stark white one.

She watched it leave through the brush and slowly disappear.

"Wow..." She breathed out as she stood, despite better judgement, she turned onto a branch and followed the creature.

But luckily for this knuckle head, the beast moved fast and she had little to no chance of seeing it again with her clumsy and uncertain gait.

After a while she hopped off the tree path, landing in a crouch.

Why? She heard sounds almost eerily similar to laughs, menacing ones.

She pushed foliage away as she approached and peeked through it.

She watched in awe as she first ever laid eyes on the natives of this planet.

They resembled her avatar but they were like even taller, wearing only the bare minimum of clothes letting her see their sharply sculpted and lean bodies but from her studies she knew they were strong enough to rip a human body into two, That they could do feats no human could, with only bows able to break bullet proof glass.

Blue Shadow (F.Navi.OC X F.Avatar.OC) CURRENTLY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now