Paperwork and trauma

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Roman has Addi get down on her knees for him and take his cock for entertaining another male. (The other male was one of the trainers that's been helping her) Addi shuts away a part of herself from Roman which makes him mad.

Paperwork is timely and grueling but it is an interest slowly growing for Adelaide. She believes that it's a learned trait to invest one's time in actually paying attention to these sheets of paper with so much data and requests. However, the want to know more about the country she will run with Roman some day grows.

Her fingers glide through page after page of vital information and she's been tasked with deciding what Roman should 'actually' look at. When she'd argued that all the information was important he'd blown her off and said that a King does not need to know menial details but the broad spectrum of his nation.

She has kept her mouth shut since then and only finds herself growing more frustrated.

"I have to go briefly, but we're going to have a chat about today later." Roman at least gave her an explanation of his leaving so she couldn't get more mad at him. She's not mad at him though, he's got a stick up his ass not hers.

She can't imagine all she's done wrong beyond the questioning his involvement with his countries dealings. It can be rationalized with the fact that there are three men running the country, but only one of them signs anything off.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." She watches him longingly as he leaves. The memories of the wildness of their bedroom activities forces a visceral response to shoot through her directly between the legs. "Maybe we will someday be like that again." She sighs out tossing the file she'd finished analyzing into the like for Roman's 'don't care'.

Hours later she's finished the piles and left the 7 nest files waiting for his approval on his desk and then the 34 others in a pile on top of hundreds others that he will never look at again.

Hours later. She'd spent hours in his office doing his work for him while he's off doing something she doesn't know.

"I didn't expect anyone to be here at this hour." Kierans voice pulls her from her thoughts and she pulls her head from her hands to take a look at Kieran. He looks likely equally as tired as she does at this moment.

He sent Acer home early today to spend time relaxing, but that meant that he would spend more hours catching them up on things.

Kieran slaps down a large stack of folders on the desk opposite of where Adelaide had deposited hers. "What are those?" Adelaide powders dumbstruck at the stack of 40 ish.

"These are for him to sign." Kieran eyes the discarded stack that Adelaide had added the other files to and it occurs to her them. Kieran and Acer censor them before they come to Roman's office and then Roman decides that their work isn't good enough.

"He does very little." Adelaide mumbles standing from her seat and stretching away the days trying circumstances. "I just censored all of I'm assuming yesterdays files today and organized the cabinets that were chaos."

"He likes to just shove the important documents in there and hope for the best when we are sent to retrieve them." Kieran holds his hand out for her to take. She is quick to accept his hand and he pulls her to his side so he can guide her from the room.

Kieran turns and locks the office up and places the keys back in his suit pocket. The halls are empty and echo with their footsteps as Kieran keeps his arm guiding Adelaide.

"Taking me to be reprimanded?" Adelaide asks hesitantly but she's sure by now they'd heard she was in trouble with her mate. Roman made it quite obvious he was not the happiest with her today after her spent it all avoiding her like the plague. Roman's secretary said it was rare to see Roman spend so much time away from the office.

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