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"Why are we coming this far out?" Thomas asks after we tear through a group of wolves, we are trying to leave them wounded. We had to maneuver through the body strewn field were numerous casualties on the other side were happening. It is a joke to us truly that the packs figure they can take on our highly trained much larger troops. We have lost too many of our own though.

I didn't want to bring anyone, I intended to take this on alone and contact Myrram when it came time. Thomas found me though, he told me his honor would fall into question if he just let me run off alone. I couldn't leave it be so I allowed him to follow.

"Myrram says that there is something magic fueling my father's untimely return." I respond taking another moment to check that we cannot be spotted on our way. Our objective is to search for their encampments. "They would have to keep it close but not too far from us, to bring their wounded back."

We wander further into the woods past several wolves fighting. I couldn't stop, we would win if we could control my father. We could find the warlock if we could find the item as well.

Just as I had thought that we made it out of there without engaging in any combat I was wrong. Two wolves caught us in the wolf and took to my flank first.

I started to rip into one of them taking my frustration out on him for being interrupted. Thomas is taking his out well enough almost finished as well. I was coming close on mine when Conlin jumps from the woods. He makes sure to let us know he will finish off these two allowing Thomas and I to shift back and take off for the rest of our mission.

"Be careful, just ahead is an alcove off the ridge. Kids enjoy coming out here to enjoy drinking and being reckless away from their parents because it is so well hidden." Thomas warns me, we keep our voices hush and watch where we step closely.

It is now when it occurs to me that this would be the best place to hide yourself and something that one would be hiding. "Slow." I command taking careful steps to peer over the ridge edge. There on the other side like luck is on ours is a massive encampment mostly empty spare for a single tent where the glow of blue leaks from the crevices.

It is alarming to me that they sent all of their reserve troops in one go, that means that there is no endless waves of new warriors. Good for us because our first wave is still holding strong, according to Kieran.

"What do we do?" Thomas asks after seeing what I see, this is where we stop. Myrram ast me here, neither of us knew what was fueling the "rebirth". I am sure that this is also making their warriors stronger.

"Check it out." I shrug, hopefully I won't regret sending ourselves into this, but there is nothing more we can do about it. We can't just leave the sword there. Myrram's whole livelihood, her purpose is to protect the runes and writings, she cannot come out and aid us.

We carefully make our way down the ridge into the alcove attempting to remain unseen. The eerie quiet of the camp makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The tent we aim for is almost directly ahead, but the blue has ceased to leak through the canvas.

"Sweet girl, sweet baby girl." A voice calls from around the nearest tent. "You've grown so much." His face hasn't changed since the last day I saw him. They were too old for how young I was at the time of their death, but now he would look like a normal father in comparison. That is of course if you got past the whole being dead and a murderer. In his hand is a black sword that leaks the electric blue light we saw from the tent. A low hum leaves the sword as it moves with his body.

"I figured you'd look rotten, worms out your eyes and all." Thomas points out filling the awkward silence that fell upon us as we just watched him taking in all of the surroundings as well. I quickly give Thomas a 'what the hell' look to which he shrugged away. Of course I brought one of the most challenging warriors with me.

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