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"I do not want you there." Roman sighs placing a hand on his face. His tenor of voice seems strained just like his body and mind. He's stressed and taking it all on just for himself. Roman found out about his deceased child that died withe Kennedy. Every action of his since has been out of control and unpredictable.

"I am of use." I remind him, he has been absent far too much lately and has no idea about anything that is truly happening in this nation right now. "That is no longer your decision to make."

"Like hell!" He growls out making a scene in the middle of the garden where we are surrounded by wolves working on the new foliage with the change of seasons. I give him a look trying to see if he is going to keep testing me on this.

"Roman, you have been absent as a ruler for far too long. We know something is coming, we are sure of it, but not at all sure of the what or who. You must know that there is something brewing. We share a responsibility as rulers to do what's best for the nation." I remind him carefully taking steps toward the statue of the original Queen of our nation. She is the woman who had this garden built, for her love of tulips. "If you cared to look at the reports from the current council meetings you would see all the information concerning Bluemoon, Shadowcrest, and the rogues all teaming together."

"You bitch." He sneers my way, I almost flinch as he comes closer possibly taking a swing at me. It is hard to remember the times when we would lay in bed completely enraptured by each others mere presence. In these moments where we are yelling at one another I see that we truly never were a real pairing. "My Nation is falling apart because of you."

"Face it Roman, you went about it all wrong. It is falling apart because of you, and you are doing nothing to fix that." I sigh taking this opportunity to leave this conversation, this won't lead into anything productive. We need to find some way of preparing for an attack of this kind of scale. "You won't even take the fault for it all."

"Addi I think that if we get those letters sent today we will be housing a majority of packs in enough time for a full blown attack." Acer catches me in the hall and begins explaining the battle plan which is very helpful since I am really good at the one on one combat rather than full blown militias. I give him the go ahead and he takes off on his way to send letters but I am sure that if needed he could get them fire messages sent by Iris condoned by me.

I find myself back in the office eating a quick snack before we go back into session for the council meetings. As quick as the food went down it came right back up much like my food has been doing occasionally the last few days. I shake my head, I need to make sure to eat more substantial foods, I don't want to be malnourished because of the stress.

"Addi they are going back into session. Some new information came back today from the scouts." Kieran knocks on the door to the office while I am brushing my teeth again. I don't respond quick enough and he finds me in the bathroom. "Did you puke again?"

"Yeah, I'll get checked out by Hadley in a couple of days. We just need things to calm down a bit." I promise placing my toothbrush back down and going to join Kieran as we make our way back to the chambers where all the elders waited for my arrival. It unnerves me upon our arrival when they all looked worried or almost pained.

"Queen Luna, there is news about the numbers they are receiving." The page boy brings me the reports and I am honestly astonished by how many from each pack they are receiving. It makes sense that the rogues would all do it because any form of organized living is against their code. "There was a letter."

"A letter?" I ask finally looking up from the reports pushing them in the direction of Kieran so he could examine them. I look to the page boy who hands me a second paper. The letter was from my father, the same scrawl but this was a picture of an original. "Who was this on?"

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