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The morning is quiet after Roman received word from the elders and rushed off for a last minute meeting. I find it hard to really have the motivation to go to the village today, especially after last time. Roman assures me that it will be quick and then I can come back and help Kieran find something on the messenger kills.

I haven't been able to blindly forgive him like many have wished I would. Actions have consequences, a King should know that as well as anyone. Roman seems to think that he is a God to everyone so everything he does is perfect. I believe he is finally starting to think like a real person.

"Adelaide, come on. The faster you are, the faster you will be back here to see your mate!" Myrram of course is the one tasked with my wardrobe with the upcoming ball, ceremony? I truly found all this celebrating trivial, I understand that this is how Roman sees his people though. Tradition doesn't really mean that no matter what you should still practice it, I just find it hard to go out there and pretend when all of these people don't have a liking for me.

Lately, it's been more difficult to want to be around Roman. Especially after the last event, but Roman assures it'll never happen again. I feel naive about it, but I may have been overreacting at the time. You can't double back on a mateship though, I have to make this work. My wolf is not forgiving, she is a one and done kind of wolf. She hasn't let him near us in a romantic capacity since the event. Daciana is fierce and exceptionally loyal, but she does not forgive those who have hurt her deeply. Roman scarred her just like Torryn has, there is no going back easily for either of them.

I quickly dress to the tune of Myrram's complaining, so impatient. I then listen to her beratement begging for me to wear a dress instead. We rush down to the garage where of course her favorite driver awaits her. However, unlike last time, Thomas stood speaking with the chauffeur.

I mentally praise the goddess, blessed be her. I do not have to spend hours on my own with Myrram, she's crazy. Even Roman admits that she's not all there and likely sort of a lunatic. She is his family though, and he has to embrace whatever he's got left. I can't understand it, mostly because I have nothing, but he likes keeping them close. Not his cousin though, Kennedy's husband.

His cousin came to the Summit as Roman instructed when he sent them away. Roman made sure I was busy for that evening when they had their meeting. I'm not sure what was discussed but Roman was heated after it. He had come home that evening and went straight to bed without conversation or explanation.

As I have learned, Myrram came from a more difficult background. After Finley came barging through the hall with Kennedy, Roman made a point to explain the whole situation with Alpha Finley.

Finley is the son of Roman's father's younger sister, Britton. Britton and her husband August had Finley and Myrram, Myrram is much older than Finley who was a surprise. The idea for him to ask for claim is because Roman's father, Maverick, had an older brother who was supposed to rule, Wesley. Wesley died and the line shifted to Maverick and his mate Tinsley, deceased king killed by my father.

Roman tried to make sense of it all but from all of the lectures I have gotten from the elders in passing to learn the royal history I just lose my way in the lines and tangles.

"Adelaide, can I have just a moment?" Thomas asks Myrram more than me and I give a nod desperately wanting to be away from Myrram. She sighs but doesn't comment before climbing into the vehicle. "We are trying to find any link between you and the killings since your father's mark was used. Just be careful in town today, it's safe and protected there, but you can never be too careful."

"Thank you Thomas." I gently pat his back and receive a sharp nod before I leave to join Myrram in the car. I wave as we pull away and then I am left alone in the car with Myrram just like not long ago.

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