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"What are you doing?!" Kieran comes plowing through the door to the office leaving it rattling after it hit the wall. Roman's poor Secretary runs to close them to allow the obviously heated discussion to proceed in privacy.

A loud rumble of disapproval leaves Roman but Kieran ignores it marching up to the desk. "What is it?"

Kieran has been here before, getting the warning growl then of course doing what he wants anyway. His King doesn't mean anything on his threat. "Your scent is covering Adelaide."

"Why were you with her?" Roman asks curious and oddly slightly jealous, a feeling which he's got such little experience with.

His wolf hates the idea of her being close with his warriors, Beta, and Gamma. Even though his Gamma is called for. All males need to avoid her. It was the same when Kennedy piqued his interest, all the males had the hots for her. When you're King though, it's easy to stale claim and make it stick.

"I walk her to PT every other day, like always. This time though, she was drenched in your scent Roman." Kieran warns knowing the consequences if he doesn't do anything. "She's not claimed, and she's got your scent dripping off of her. She's caught the attentions of several members today and it's only a matter of time before enemy's and Kennedy figure it out. I had to glare down an elder so they didn't come up to her. Who knows what they had to say."


"Do not do this with me Roman...." Kerian takes a moment to regain himself, coming to his senses. His attention pulls away from the King knowing full well he's crossing into dangerous territory yelling at him. He was in enough 'trouble' barging through the doors. "You know how dangerous it is for her to even be seen with you. With the elders agenda and your partial commitment to her..." Kieran growls out his anger. "Roman you know I want you to be happy and I want Addi to be happy, but seriously? You're not that stupid. Even then, Kennedy deserves to be told she's not an option. Adelaide deserves the truth too."

"Kieran why does it have to be so difficult? I can just love her and she can just love me. Nothing else matters." Roman's nose flares expressing his viscous withheld anger. The audacity of his right hand man, the guts for this man, even wolf, to test Roman's wolf. "If it doesn't work then Kennedy is mine. It's a win-win."

"It definitely doesn't work that way. Someone always loses." Kieran reminds him and of course Roman sends a bone chilling look Kieran's way. Intimidating Kieran no longer works. The efforts are futile. The King doesn't care about who he gets, just as long as he gets someone. "Love is far more complex than saying the words."

"I'll make it work that way. I want Adelaide." The King demands selfishly making his desk a mess as he drags his claws across the sealed wood. "The public will see her as a great asset, I will be elevated."

"Then do something about Kennedy, she's after the Queen title Roman. Tread lightly and make a decision quickly, before you really screw your chance with Adelaide or Kennedy." Kieran finalizes and turns back on his heel making his exit. "There's no option of double timing it. One or the other."

The hall is quiet and still outside the Kings office, the hall was always quiet on any typical day. Between the fact that the Elder Council had their meeting chambers at the end of the hall and that the King's main office was also located in that hall as well as supporting offices of the throne. No one wants to speak out of turn in the arid expanse where simple sounds echo. Any sentence said the wrong way can be picked up across the room. In this case, no one could hear what they were saying, but they wanted to know. However, all who were present when Kieran slammed through the doors of the office in the first place are aware that it's not a good conversation.

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