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"Adelaide?" Kieran calls into my room and I hesitate to answer but I'm sure he knows I'm in here.

"Kieran? Come in." I announce back standing from my table on the terrace where I was working on my plan to take my leave after the ceremony. The ceremony is completely planned, all that's left to do is figure out when I take my leave. I intend to give Kieran full control, I wouldn't trust any other person more with the nation.

"Hey, so I took the day off. Things are getting slow again, the Summit is doing well at rebuilding. My ceremony next week is completely planned out, thanks to you. I just need a day off. In the next few days nobles and pack leaders will begin to file in." Kieran enters the door immediately talking. He makes his way to the table I sat at previously working. He sits which gives me the signal to follow suit and take a seat as well.

"I'm glad you're valuing your mental health taking time off." I agree with a warm smile at the familiarity. It's almost like old times, he and I were so close after I arrived we spoke to each other so freely. "The people coming will definitely cause you headache for sure. Everyone wants a chance with the King."

"What are you working on?" He snags my papers and I'm unable to react fast enough to steal them away from him. He examines them and its evident on his face that he's becoming distraught. "You're leaving?" It's almost heartbreaking seeing the hurt flash across his face. The only thing keeping me from breaking down and saying I won't is that it's for him. I'm leaving so he will be rid of my burden here.

"Kieran you'll be King, with full ability to take your own mate. Have your own do over. I don't want to take that away from you." I sigh filling him in on the situation. He deserves to be happy to the fullest extent. I am not selfish enough to allow my feelings to take precedent here. "I'll step down, I have all that I'm in charge of taken care of for the next two years in case you need time. I don't want to cause issues, especially since I'm the reason you had to become King in the first place. Plus with me gone you have the full ability to court any of the women attending the ceremony. Any female that takes your fancy."

There's a pregnant pause in the air like Kieran can't find the words he wants or he was too stunned for a quick reaction. I see his frustration on his face, it hurts to be the cause of it. Just a little more pain and he can be free of me. He may be my best and closest friend here, but no one wants a broken used toy.

"Adelaide, there is no one else in this nation better to take on the Queen position than the Queen Goddess descendent. Why are you really leaving?" Kieran argues finally, and my mind flickers to the conversation I had with Verilee. I wish I could make him understand without telling him about that conversation.

"I was contemplating it after you ascended to the position. I don't want to be selfish and take the position simply because the Goddess chose me as next in line for her position. You deserve the choice as well. Just because I'm going to take over her position doesn't mean I have a right to be Queen." I start and he opens his mouth to likely yell at me once more about how all my reasons are dumb. I hold up a hand which causes him to close his mouth and allow me to continue. "Verilee came to me once, after I fled the chaos of the Summit to walk about and think. I landed myself back in my room, but Verilee found me. I was expecting the opposite reaction she gave me after all the encouraging I received from Acer before and after Roman and I had our short courtship. It was not in fact that kind of conversation."

"Let me see." Kieran seethes lowly and I hesitate not wanting Verilee to get herself into trouble. She had good intentions, she's worried about her family.

"Kieran, she did it for her family. She requested I just make myself gone. She solidified my plans. I shouldn't get in the way." I quickly defend her, which may have been not my smartest move but she had good intentions. She is still one of my people, and I have tremendous respect for her mate.

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