7.1 ] Dog Collar

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MARGEUX HASN'T COME back yet. She hasn't answered her phone. She hasn't reached out to us. And she most certainly was lying about her private mission. 

"I'm worried." Sasha says.

"Doesn't matter," I shake my head, "We need to focus on this. Right now. Before we worry about her."

She sighs and cracks her knuckles, Elliot standing pretty casually beside her. They look good next to each other. Like that. So good that it honestly hurts it took them so long. 

"I distract Director Hayes, you guys get in, Heather deals with switching camera footage in her office. Everyone has a role. All you have to worry about is yours." I instruct them, trying to sound as clear as possible. If we're caught out for even the smallest thing one last time - Director Hayes won't care how many cases we solve a year. He'll kill us. I don't doubt that. 

"Well, go get him then." Sasha says seriously, all thoughts of Margeux evaporated. Good. She's got her game face on. 

My plan is simple. I knock on his door, tell him there are some papers I need him to sign (papers I've completely made up and printed, but he never looks anyway) and tell him I have a theory regarding this Ivy Vienna woman he so desperately wants dead. 

It'll work. He'll need to by obligation of his job - and he'll be interested anyway knowing Mrs. Vienna is involved. 

The issue, with that, however, is that when I go to knock on his door - alone like planned - he doesn't respond. I text Sasha. She tells me to try again. I knock again. He doesn't respond. I text her that, she sends me back a rolling eyes emoji. 

In three minutes, her and Elliot appear in front of the door with me. 

They knock on it. One time each. He doesn't answer. 

"Like what, my knocking was broken? That's what you thought?" I cross my arms.

Elliot shrugs and kicks open the door.

Kicks. Open. The. Door. 

"Elliot!" I screech.

"New job O," He smiles at me, "Keep a look out down the hall."

I sputter to respond but him and Sasha are already stepping inside anyway, deeper into the fancy old styled office and looking through files and his computer. I make a frustrated noise and leave, hoping the lock on the door didn't break, and heading down the hall.

What do I even do? Do I just make a bird noise if someone is coming? What do birds even sound like? Will Sasha and Elliot even know it's me? What if I sound too much like a bird?

I push those thoughts out of my head and focus. If Director Hayes is out - he's either far and I don't have to worry, or he's moments away from coming right up this hall and walking in on Elliot and Sasha inside his office. I haven't even checked if there's a busted lock yet - and if there is - that's going to be a problem. One I will promptly gather and drop onto Elliot's head. 

Maybe blonde's really are stupid. Then again, Legally Blonde exists - so I will extract said statement. 

"They're gonna owe you." I mutter to myself, "Dinner for the next week. All on them. All out of their pockets."

When a figure emerges from beyond the hall - I find myself freezing and heart beating before I jump into action, speed walking down the aisle and in direction of whoever. 

Lincoln. Fuck. Lincoln as in Team Y's Lincoln. 

"Odyssey." He greets me with his infamous smile. 

"Lincoln!" I smile, "Now, I really hate to do this - but I need you to come with me."

He raises a brow, "Trying to hide something Kimura? You look a little flushed."

"It's just..." I trail off, stuttering over my words to find a sentence. Shit shit shit I'm not a good liar. Sasha is. Margeux definitely. And Reign probably. I don't know, he's just evil. 

"I need help with a case." I blurt. My dignity is going to go down the drain from this - but at least my life won't. 

"Help?" He repeats.

"No one on Team X can crack it. I was wondering...if you could help."

"Me?" He smirks. 

No. Fuck you.

"Yes." I force a smile, "You."

"Huh. If I solve this for you guys you may as well switch titles with me." He crosses his arms. 

"Ha ha." I scratch the back of my neck.

"So. What's this case?" He asks.

"Well...there's this woman. Um. Her name is Taylor...Smooth. She's like an a-hole. Totally. And, you see, her dog went missing - but we have suspicions that she killed it and hid it. Why is this dog so important you may ask? Well, in it's collar, there was supposedly a USB that had details on the next election-"

"-and the next election is very important for society and the economy." An arm slings around my shoulder. When I look to my left and am met with Sasha, I feel my heart fill back up with it's contents. Thank god. Now she can pass on my terrible lie and do whatever she needs with it. 

"And you need help finding this USB?" Lincoln repeats, taking my bullshit story one hundred percent seriously. 

"Oh Odyssey! How could you say that?" Sasha glares at me, "We know what we're doing. I think she's just stressed. Are you stressed O? Here, let's go get some water."

And then quickly, we're moving past Lincoln, Sasha and I - Elliot emerging and behind - and I think I can finally breathe. 

"Dog collar?" Sasha hisses to me as we walk away. 

"Maybe Elliot shouldn't of knocked down the fucking door!" I turn my face to him so I can glare. 

"Eh." He shrugs in response. 

"This is my last straw Elliot Dolce, do not test me." 

"Oh full name? I must be in shit then." He scoffs.

Sasha has to hold me back. 


Odyssey towards the end:

Odyssey towards the end:

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- Juana.

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