PART- 31 (A Thousand Years)

Start from the beginning

"Miss Sana." He called sternly

"Yes. Professor Sidharth." She quickly got up with a meekly smile.

"Why were you sitting? When everyone got up to greet me? Do you know you disrespected me doing this?" He said sternly with cross arms.

"Oh! I'm sorry. But, I thought you won't notice me doing it. After all, everyone was standing. But you saw. I'm surprised that you looked for me to check what I'm doing, Professor." She winks

He was shocked by her choice of words. Or say it precisely she was right. He always look at her while entering in her class. And she did it just to confirm it by his own mouth.

"Great!" He cursed himself inwardly

Students start to wisper making him comes on earth.

"Silent! And sit down." He said sternly giving death glare to her.

She made a kiss pout for him. He ignored her and sit on chair and started taking his class.


It was another day..

"How's the weather professor Sidharth?" Sana asked suddenly in between his class.

"Keep quiet." He ordered

"Tell me. Tell us." She forced a little.

"Cold." He replied coldly

"Then why I'm feeling hot suddenly." She said giving a wink to him

"Keep quiet now. And everyone write this questions answer. You have 30mins for it." He informed and sits on chair comfortably.

Everyone got busy in writing when he noticed she was making kiss pouty lips to him or winks at him or do something stupid to get his attention than writing.

"Miss Sana. Go out from my class now." He said getting irritated for her constant tease

"You'll miss me someday. When I won't come here. Huh!" She frowned and went outside.

"Never!" He smirks


"I miss you here now." He sighs sadly

"Times up! Stop writing." He informed then ordered

Everyone submitted their notes, he quickly checked and left from the class. Fortunately, this was his last class for today. So, he started to look for her still having zero hope to get a glimpse of her. He look for her everyday but never saw a glimpse of her.

"Where the fuck is she?" He groaned in irritation after not finding her in half of the college like some maniac that he became suddenly.

Keeping his irritation aside, he kept looking for her and stopped outside their college auditorium hall. Her sweet voice was coming from there making him smile widely.

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