Different worlds

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That was what he had been feeling for the past few months. It wasn't new for him to wake up panting , breathing heavily even sweating in the middle of the night.

Every night, the same nightmare.

He tried everything to prevent it but it always crept its way back to his mind.
After the adrenaline subsided, there left behind a feeling he refused to acknowledge.


Knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep anymore, he decided to get up from the bed and indulge himself in office work instead.


Kim Jaison , one of the most well known names in the business world was the owner of 'The Wings corporations' and 'Kim's Diner'. Everyone in the industry had different opinion on him. Some said he was nothing but a brat born with a silver spoon while the others praised him for his hardworking and determined nature. Some called him a show off for being involved in multiple businesses. He had always been interested in trading and stock market but had to take up the family business to keep up the family legacy .
The family legacy was - KIM'S DINER.

But nothing could stop him from doing what he wanted to do. After being a rebel for months he made a deal with his father to keep managing the restaurant business but along with that he wanted to build his own startup company for import and export of goods. This brought into the picture - 'THE WINGS CORPORATIONS'.

Many had put their bets on the downfall of the company along with his own father who believed it was pointless to build his own company when their ancestors had left behind one for him to take care of. Despite not getting much support , Kim Jaison was able to bring his company to such heights that it ranked 6th in the top 10 most successful trading companies in korea. He achieved it in the matter of 4 years. Alongside this he was able to manage his family business stably. He had achieved such heights at the age of 29.

"How long do I have to be here?" asked Jaison sitting at the dining table of his parent's house with a newspaper in his hands. He read the ranking list of other companies. 'Nobility's Trade' ranked 1st , he noticed. Both his parents sat infront of him in their respective chairs. "You just arrived, Honey." his mother beamed at him.

"Sixth, Huh!" his father scoffed.

He controlled the urge to roll his eyes but did it anyways earning a warning glare from his mother. He too was slightly disappointed. He always wanted to prove his potential to his father but always ended up being unsatisfied .
He was never on good terms with his father for various reasons. Business being one of them.

"Honey. Have breakfast first. It wouldn't be a problem if you reached office late. Afterall you are the Boss." his mother, Mrs.Kim intentionally ignored his father's jab.

He smiled at his mother's attempt but the smile didn't reach his eyes. He stood up ready to leave the place.
"Sorry mum, gotta put forward a good example for the employees. Afterall, I am the Boss."
He was a responsible person but being punctual was not really his thing. His mother knew. She smiled half heartedly knowing her son was trying to find different ways to keep himself busy and away from his personal life. He gave a quick peck on his mother's head and slightly nodded towards his father who was simply eating his meal the entire time. He swiftly turned to leave the place.



The room was dark even though the sun was up. All the lights were switched off and the curtains were drawn. The only sound that echoed through the entire appartment was the loud banging on the front door. It felt like the flat was empty, at least , thats what the girl sitting on the small worn out couch intended on showing.

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