32. On the Moon (2)

Start from the beginning

The light slowed down and led me through the familiar corridors to the door decorated with small stickers in the shape of stars. When I opened the door I saw my old room and on the floor was a picture I had drawn. Me and Kasane. At least as I had imagined Kasane. The light flew almost reassuringly around me. ,,I know... You were always there. We were always together and never apart, we just couldn't talk to each other properly because I had forgotten you. But this will never happen again, so please give me again the strength to overcome an obstacle.'' The light almost bounced in the air before it flew back into my body. As my surroundings dissolved I knew I must have made it. But before the last bit of surrounding dissolved I saw a younger me in front of me, which was patted praisingly by Otto.

When I opened my eyes I looked into the smiling faces of Mei and Kiana. ,,I see you made it,'' I said, happy. ,,You too, it seems, but you have tears in your eyes," Kiana noted. ,,Oh...'' ,,Have you seen Kasane-chan?" asked Mei. ,,Kasane?" Kiana and Bronya asked. I explained to them who she was exactly. Kiana knew about the Herrscher voice within me. But Bronya did not. ,,I didn't see Kasane directly, but rather a fragment of her, which didn't really speak but only reacted to her name. Kasane vanished when I became the complete Herrscher," I explained. ,,I'm sorry...." said Mei. ,,It's all right. She knew, but she put our safety and that of the flame chasers above herself in the end.'' 

,,But we should concentrate on our goal now,'' I continued and stood up. ,,Yuki Nee-san is right. Kiana, are you ready to take on the Husks?'' asked Bronya. ,,Of course. I've never been more ready. ...Just kidding. Actually, I'm missing something.'' ,,...Missing something?'' Me and Bronya asked. ,,Of course, simply relying on Mei-senpai isn't enough. We still need Bronya's wisdom and Yuki's optimism that we can manage everything.'' ,,You're right. Frankly speaking, that's Bronya's forte.'' Bronya said with a smile. ,,I never thought that the optimism I had back then would come in handy,'' I said teasingly. ,,Yeah. And... knowledge and judgment are the strongest weapons for everyone. So, please guide me along, our smartest mind.'' Kiana added. ,,Mhm, of course. Bronya won't let you down. ...Ah, that reminds me.'' ,,What's wrong Bronya-chan?'' asked Mei worried. ,,Although this is late, but..... Welcome back, Kiana. Welcome back, Mei Nee-san, Yuki Nee-san.'' 

After a last short talk with Dr. MEI, we got ready to leave the bubble universe. Dr. MEI had mentioned that Senti had told him about the incident with Otto. When I heard this I did not know what to think. Of course Otto was not a good person, he used me, Kiana and the others. So I should be glad that he is gone, yet it made my stomach turn. He raised me, that would not change. Together with Senti we made our way to the Husk to defeat it. On the way there it could not stand any longer not to ask after all. ,,Hey Kiana...'' ,,Hm?'' ,,... Is Otto really gone?" I finally asked. ,,Yes, he disappeared in the imaginary space.'' answered Kiana. ,,Why do you ask that? That fool wouldn't have it any other way!" Senti butted in. ,,Senti!" said the others harshly. ,,Guys, please calm down. I just wanted to know so that I could move on," I asked. Fortunately the others calmed down and we went on. But I felt Senti's gaze on my back. ,,If you really want to know.... Otto raised me...'' 

The fight was hard, but since we all helped Kiana we managed to defeat the husk, which looked like a big bull. Just when Kiana had made the last blow, PROMETHEUS appeared. ,,Heh. You've become quite skilled... Good. This many will do. Now then--'' Not far from where we fought, a door appeared. ,,Could this door be...?'' asked Kiana surprised. ,,Yes, as you've sensed. This is your passage to the proper world, and our last struggle for existence.'' confirmed PROMETHEUS. As we stood in front of the door, Kiana turned to us. ,,... Ready? We're going back.'' ,,Of course,'' we answered. ,,I'm gonna get a lift with you guys.'' said Senti. ,,Alright, sit tight then...'' Kiana nodded. 




It was a wild and bumpy ride, but we made it. When the light that had enveloped us faded, I saw Durandal running towards Kiana, relieved. ,,Kiana, finally... we meet again. Glad to see you okay.'' ,,Yeah, Durandal, we meet again.'' Kiana replied smiling. ,,That's great. Just great.'' ,,...Durandal, something happened?'' asked Kiana when she noticed that Durandal was still holding her hand. ,,Ahem, sorry, that wasn't appropriate. Anyway, the important thing is you came back. It's been a while, Miss Raiden, Miss Zaychik and Yuki-san.'' ,,The same to you.'' me and Mei replied. ,,...Long time no see, Miss Ataegina and Miss Li Sushang.'' said Bronya. But I noticed that her gaze went to the dark blue haired girl who spoke next. ,,Great, everyone is fine...'' 

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