Long Distance Friendship

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No matter how far apart our troubles may seem,
We'll always be connected by a certain beam.
Connected by our memories, though all long distant,
Connected by tissue, our hearts are resistant.
Whether for days or weeks, we'll say not a word,
But we'll be together again, plans that emerged.
You've been there for me, through thick and through thin,
And I'll wait for you, 'till alls over the bin.
A gnat, a fly, a moth, some other kind of bug,
None can compare to the long distant hug.
A friendship built on fixations and child-like imagination,
Now stands with respect, a collective accommodation.
You've helped me find myself and I your own,
It simply shows how far each of us has grown.
No matter how far away we are or how little we talk,
We'll always be connected by the very way we walk.
From mullets to undercuts, tattoos and crystals galore,
We'll always be friends, so long as the raven says, "nevermore."
All poetry, no talk or recognition needed be,
My long distance friend, a forever kind of decree.

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