It's 1:08 And You Went To Bed

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I'm so glad that I've met you,
That beautiful spouse of mine,
You'll never truly understand,
How your eyes deeply shine.
So dumb I know,
To keep writing out poetry,
But what can I say,
That's just what comes naturally.
This one is simpler than others,
But it's past midnight so I don't care,
And I just wanted to remind you,
That I'll someday be stroking through your hair.
We're so far apart,
But that won't last forever,
Looking down at my phone,
This is corney but whatever.
I'm just here spilling thoughts,
1:08 so to speak,
And you're just reading them out,
I hope it's not too bleak.
I'll be sending my goodnights,
As twilight brings itself over me,
Slumber is coming soon,
And your messages I'll smile to see.
In the morning, I'll say hello,
And remind you of our future home,
How I'll hug you tightly,
And we'll cuddle by the window.
Did that even rhyme,
Oh, well, close enough,
Like us two, not perfect,
But it's fine because it's us.
At this point rambling is all this is,
So I'll cut it short and dear,
Saying that I love you,
And can't wait to hold you near.

12 AM Thoughts || Original Midnight PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now