3 AM Fresh Air

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The 3 AM night air is imaginative.
It feeds to your soul
A substance
You had not yet known you needed.
For the brisk air to caress your cheek
And to breathe
The freshness of night
Dances the early morning bats
And the silvers of moonlight.
Past twilight teaches dark tales
Of monsters and witches
For banshees and spirits
To come dancing with the crickets.
The 3 AM night air is imaginative.
Enough of it can
Make your heart stop
As you sit on your rooftop.
To stare at the stars
The burning of suns lightyears away
And to think of life.
Oh, how easily your soul was carried away.
It's 3 AM and you're yet to sleep.
You're allowing the careless whispers
Of thoughts
And dreams
To breathe the Heavenly scent
Of freedom and release.
Finally the freshness
For your worlds to create
Fot your reality to flee.

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