Annual Tests

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I've got some big things tomorrow
And yet I'm still up
I'll be screwed tomorrow
If I don't let my eyelids shut.

Big tests to quake my future
Of course it's from school
What else could it possibly be?
I'll end up looking like a fool.

I'll be trapped in the classroom
Anxiety quaking my path
With subjects I misunderstand
Feeling sleep deprivation's wrath.

My dog sleeps at my feet
Or rather, on them so to speak
And my pillows have warm sides
My bones will be killing me all week.

I've been failing to be punctual
So I'll suffer with my lack of study
Of course, I'm over exaggerating
It's what I do best, says anxiety's buddy.

I'll just keep rubbing my eyes
Still on my phone, of course
I'll just wait for the annual tests
And hope things don't go worse.

One thing I'll never understand
Is why they had it so close to the end
The year is nearly over
It's just overwhelming for me and my friends.

These tests should have come earlier
When the knowledge wasn't like nesh
But again, I'll just deal with it
Continuing to yawn so my brain can refresh.

This is all anxiety speaking
So I'll do my best not to worry
And goodnight to the bmoon
I'll be awaiting your brother's bright fury.

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