Task Three - Dancing With the Dead - Female Entries

Start from the beginning

Look closer? Shyen Ann turned back to the window, her fingers curling around the ledge and pulling her small body slightly over the surface to inspect her new surroundings closer. Though at first glance, everything looked the same as previously – golden sand everywhere, the blinding rays of sun – until her eyes connected with tiny forms roaming around on the ground. For the second time, the words What the hell? ran through her head, and this time she voiced her enquiries, "What is that down there?"

"That," suddenly, Melody's fingers were curled around her arm once more, and the older girl gently tugged Shyen Ann back into the cold grey walls of the building. "That," she repeated, as Shyen Ann turned to look at her, "Is something really bad, and if you want to live, then listen to me carefully."


Melody's explanations were simple. So simple, in fact, that it took barely ten minutes to explain. Shyen Ann was now standing near the exit of the building on the first floor, after having travelled down twenty-five flights of stairs, and the girl was starting to seriously regret to being talked into this plan. Melody had left her as soon as their feet had touched the first level, heading to the west side of the building. Another boy whom she had met, by the name of Caste, was also part of the plan – heading to the east side of the building. The others seemed confident and sure, but after being briefed about what the things that she had seen from the building on the ground, Shyen Ann was starting to have second thoughts.

After all, she thought, I really don't want to get mauled to death by a pack of zombies.

Already, she'd heard multiple screams resound from outside the building – most likely other hopeful tributes who had dared to venture outside. The walking dead seemed to have detected them easily enough. Who was to say that they would leave Shyen Ann be?

"Damn it," she hissed underneath her breath as she ducked into a shadowed corner. A walker passed her by without noticing. Her mission had been to recruit a boy named Peter – Peter Mask – who was reportedly hiding out in the first floor somewhere. "Where are you, Peter?"

As soon as those words left her lips, she saw him. Curly-haired, wide-eyed, staring shocked as a tan-skinned woman was torn apart a few feet away from where he was crouched. That must be Peter. Swallowing hard and being careful to scan the area for any potential walkers that might notice her, Shyen Ann crept forward, her prepared speech on the tip of her tongue. A To-Do list ran through her mind as she stayed close to the shadows; To-Do lists had always seemed to calm her down whenever she was in a stressful position. Her current list went something like this:

Step 1: Recruit Peter Mask.

Step 2: Run out into the desert, away from the building.

Step 3: Don't die.

Step 4: Meet up with Melody and Caste...somewhere.

Step 5: Continue not dying.

She took ahold of his arm.

The boy whirled around, obviously startled, and to her fright lifted up a fist as if to punch her in the face. However, upon seeing who she was, Peter dropped his arm to his side as his face took on a confused expression. There's no time to waste. Shyen Ann tugged him forward, towards the exit, all while hissing underneath her breath, "Come on!"

"Wait, what?" To her annoyance but also understanding, Peter hesitated to follow. "Who even are you?"

Suppressing a groan, Shyen Ann shook her head fiercely and then released Peter's arm. I really shouldn't have gotten myself into this. Seeing most of the walkers distracted and none that were looking their way, she took a flying leap just outside the building, landing heavily in the sand. "No time," she hissed back at Peter, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of her feet sinking deep into the grainy sand. She spotted a crevice in the outer wall, large enough for two to squeeze in, and swiftly entered. A few seconds later, Peter Mask followed, though he still looked confused. "We need to run. Melody's leaving from the west side and Caste from the east. We've got plans to meet up...somewhere."

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