Chapter 45: Holy Fear

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"Kaushiki Otsutsuki, your time is done."

Lifting my hand in the air, in an instant I sphere of celestial ball formed. As it grew in size, Kaushiki looked up to me in a blind fear yet smug look.

"Celestial Rasengan," I spoke with two voices behind me.

I sounded like Sasuke and Boruto. It was like their spirits within their eyes were wielding this power with me. I even sensed Itachi and Toneri.

I smiled as I set the immense power hurling towards Kaushiki.

I watched as he braced for the impact. Suddenly, a cloud of black and white chakra was stripped from the ground as it formed a barrier of protection of Kaushiki. As the dust cleared, he smiled at his ability to evade my power attack.

However, he suddenly winced in pain as he looked at his body, it crackled under the weight of my chaos chakra. I remained in my trance as I flew down to him with immense speed, grabbing him by the throat. He gritted his teeth as his skin began to crackle at my touch.

Suddenly he whisked white chakra dust into my face, temporarily blinding me. His power was suddenly off the charts, but I could see where his traces of chakra prints had plagued the ground. I could see everything.

He was gone. I looked around, I looked up to see him levitating kilometers above me. As he formed black and white chakra receptors in the air, aiming them at me, I prepared for his inevitable attack. Suddenly there was a wince of pain that coursed through my body as I felt the effects of incompatibility with the chaos chakra. I didn't have much time so I had to make the most of my power and end this bastard. Gritting my teeth, I watch as the receptors fall from the sky. Swiftly dodging them, I flew up to him. As I flew toward him, whispers filled my head. Holy Fear. Holy Fear. Holy Fear. Holy Fear. Holy Fear. Holy Fear. Holy Fear.

With the whispers clouding my head, my thoughts became clear.

Suddenly, I stood suspended in the air, the chakra dust that was trying to corrupt me stopped. An invisible force halted them as I absorbed the dust into my pores and then manifested them into chaos chakra. I was able to convert any chakra into chaos chakra.

As my hair flowed around in an arousing haze, I stared down Kaushiki as he looked onto me to understand what I was doing to his white chakra.

"Chao Release: Holy Fear," I whispered before channeling all my chaos chakra and stabbing at his chest. Immediately I watched as the chakra overwhelmed my fingertips and blew out his chest.

As the pulse shattered the air, I saw one last look on Kaushiki's face before I smiled at him. Fear raced through his face as he dispattered, no trace of him left.

As the blinding light of the blow filled the battlefield, I stared at the stars as they rumbled the air. He was gone. They were all gone. Every Otsutsuki in the universe in an instant was gone. I could feel their chakra disappear in an instant. Saruto may not have had the conscience to perform this act. But I could.

The air became still as I saw every timeline that existed. Visions of the Otsutsuki efforts are gone in an instant.

How could someone with all this power not use it for so many things? It was like the Sagennegan was speaking to me. Telling me to do things. Should I listen? I felt the power of time and space at my fingertips. I could bring Sasuke back. Boruto came back. All of them are back.


My heart sank as I heard someone speak to me. Turning around I was faced with Saruto. His gaze was as comforting as his figure mirrored Boruto. I never realized how much they looked alike. I thought about what I could do with this power before my time was up.

"I know," he said with a sad and burdened smile, "But we can't."

I remember that Saruto had so many chances to bring them back but he didn't. I finally understood why. I understood why this all happened in the first place. All this war and bloodshed. The selfish desire to control an uncontrollable power. There had to be balance and if I tipped I would be making the same mistakes as our ancestors. It would happen all over again.

My breathing suddenly as I finally let go of my plaguing thoughts.

It was finally over. All of it.

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