Chapter 40: Veil Of A Thousand Stars

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What was this? Where was I? All I remembered was feeling the chakra natures of wind, water, fire, lighting, earth, yin, and yang being imbued into me from my ancestors and descendants. Was this the full power of Purgatory that my descendants had told me about in the Purgatory plane. Was it over?

I remember releasing the power at Jougan and then silence.

Before, a feminine figure stood. Who was this woman?

"saruto," Sage Otsutsuki said as her body formed from the light, "it is over."

I then looked at her warm smile as walked over to me, her silent footsteps gliding against the ground made of glass.

I tried to speak to her but my voice was silent.

She suddenly began to laugh at my confusement. I didn't understand.

"you must return to the mortal plane, saruto," she softly said.

Mortal plane? If I wasn't there, where was I?

As she moved close to me, I leaned back, unsure as to what her motives were.

"don't be afraid, child," she smiled.

Listening to her words, she moved her hand to touch my face. My eyes then widened as I felt the full warmth of her love. Now that I was out of the trance that the Sagenegan had influenced me into, I could see her appearance in a different way.

Initially she appeared as a human-shaped shadow, like an endless unknown darkness. She had a sharp and clear voice with her teeth appearing as a stark white against the rest of her form. I also remembered her to have long fingers, which can remove and into probability, then expand said probability.

However, seeing her now, she looked like an angel of light. In this form that she presented herself to me with, she was larger and more muscular. She was extremely beautiful, with a matching scar to my own on her cheek. It was almost like looking in a mirror of twin chakra. My chakra was her own. Her sharp expression. Like my Sagenegan form, she had a white Infinite Dimension Space Coat like a sheer veil over her face. It was like a thousand stars draped over her head. A mysterious yet comforting sight.

"this will be the last time we meet," she said in a comforting manner.

I didn't understand. How will I ever use my power again without her guidance?

"i know," I smiled, "you will guide the future with your power now. my time in this life is over. it has been over for billions of years, waiting for you."

Waiting for me? Her time was over? Was she no longer the matriarch of this bloodline?

"you are now the patriarch of this bloodline," she spoke warmly as her body began to dissipate into the air, "i leave you to protect the celestial planes of existence."

But why me? I wasn't ready.

Reaching out to her soft hand of late, we parted as she disappeared into a white haze of blinding light.

"Wait! Come back!" I called out in my mind.

But she was gone, parting with one last motherly smile.

Suddenly, my mind was clouded with a clear memory. One last gift from her.

Turning around, I was in a field of grass staring up at the clouds. This memory. I felt the warmth of the sun flush my cheeks as I stared at the blue sky.

Looking at a figure standing under a cherry blossom tree, it revealed itself from the shadow of the mass tree.


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