The Truth Has Been Revealed

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TheGoldenSucc: @/HatGoesHahaFunny is your power out too?

HatGoesHahaFunny: no, why? Yours is?

TheGoldenSucc: oh no, I just like to randomly ask people if their power is out
TheGoldenSucc: yes
TheGoldenSucc: our power is out

Mamalone: man... for the amount of money Diavolo got, you'd expect his expenses to be better

Elsa: I remember Polpo used to pay for our electricity... then he got arrested... then we started dining by the candle lights...

Cheese: how did they even manage to arrest that thing?💀

NoMilkIce: fr how did he fit through the prison's door?💀

Doraemon: he was a slay dude. Smelled awful. But slay

⁉️: and the question still hits: who'd kill Polpo and how?

MommyShark: a genius most likely. Just can't understand why...

IGotTheMilk: have you stopped to think that maybe he did kill himself, and you've been investigating for months for nothing?

HatGoesHahaFunny: I highly doubt it. He had no reason to

IGotTheMilk: can't a dude just wake up one day and be like "hm! I don't wanna live anymore!"

Ham: think about what you just said and then we talk🤝

Girlboss: yeah well, no point in questioning it. A mystery that shall die with us

WheresMyMelanin: yeah the person who did is most likely away now. Or dead.

EmoGworl: how the hell can you be so sure?

WheresMyMelanin: idk I just figure stuff and assume they're correct. That's mostly how I live my live

Doraemon: wait...
Doraemon: Panna
Doraemon: do you know who did it?

WheresMyMelanin: what? No! I just told you I assume stuff!

Doraemon: are you sure?

WheresMyMelanin: yes!

Doraemon: really?

WheresMyMelanin: God damn it Mista, yes

Doraemon: betrayed us once, might as well do it again

WheresMyMelanin: I never betrayed you! Jesus, Guido, we've had this conversation trillions of times!

Doraemon: are you sure?

WheresMyMelanin: FUCKING GOD, YES

Doraemon: I have 10 siblings Fugo, I can be here all day

TheGoldenSucc: enough
TheGoldenSucc: he already told you he doesn't know. Let's change the subject before it gets even weirder

MommyShark: well, his assassination might as well be a threat to you, Giorno

TheGoldenSucc: it's not. I can handle myself

EmoGworl: I also thought that while I was a cop
EmoGworl: look where I ended up
EmoGworl: working for an autistic vampire who can stuff his ear inside of his head...

Mamalone: Abbacchio-

EmoGworl: I had so many dreams

MommyShark: I've seen photos of you as a cop. You were hot
MommyShark: how can one serve the polizia, and serve cunt, all at once?

EmoGworl: I'm the cuntiest alive

Girlboss: the cuntiest ever!

KillMe: yas, queen!

Pineapple: but he's right, you know, boss? This is a big threat to you

TheGoldenSucc: you're exaggerating!

Doraemon: Giorno knows who did it

Girlboss: slay, I also thought that

Doraemon: twinzzzz

Girlboss: 💅💅💅

MommyShark: wait, is this true, Gio? Did the person who did it confess?

TheGoldenSucc: well
TheGoldenSucc: yes, but no at the same time. It's a very complicated matter which I do not want to discuss because I need to uh serve cunt

EmoGworl: that's my job, autism 🔫

Doraemon: shit, and obviously, Panna knows it too! He wouldn't keep this from his own boyfriend! I cracked the code!

Mamalone: you can be so smart for some shit, and so idiotic to others

Cheese: how can you know all of that?

Doraemon: Giorno's nephew/cousin/thing, Joseph, taught me a lot of how to read minds😼🤝

MommyShark: well, Gio, I'm your underboss. Can't I know it?

TheGoldenSucc: well yeah I know the truth, but I can't just say it to you!

MommyShark: well that's quite hypocritical of you, don't you think?☝️☹️


TheGoldenSucc: Panna🧍‍♂️


EmoGworl: I KNEW IT

Mamalone: LMFAO

Elsa: AH

Girlboss: what a surprise huh

MommyShark: well you lied to us but I guess he threatened you and you didn't have much of a choice?

TheGoldenSucc: oh no, he just had a really mean mindset, and I got mad

⁉️: and that's how we work nowadays!

HatGoesHahaFunny: well that's
HatGoesHahaFunny: surely news

MommyShark: can't say I'm not surprised... at least Passione is better now

TheGoldenSucc: soooo do we have a slay?

WheresMyMelanin: idk do we? Cuz like I just exposed you🤷‍♂️

TheGoldenSucc: hmm I don't knooowwwww you kinda broke my trust theereeee

WheresMyMelanin: oh please Gio, if if's and but's were all candy and nuts, we'd all have a happy Christmas!

TheGoldenSucc: true that, I love you, come make out with me.

WheresMyMelanin: anything to not get fired at this point

TheGoldenSucc: >:(

WheresMyMelanin: I love you with all my heart and I'd die for you, but don't tell me a secret ever again💀

TheGoldenSucc: shut up and come to my office, I can't make out with myself

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️⁉️: am I the only one who kinda saw this coming?

Doraemon: no, I kinda had a feeling they'd make out at the end...

⁉️: I'm talking about Polpo, Mista💀

Mamalone: well, at least that's out of the way!

MommyShark: yeah but let's not tell anybody, I'm pretty sure this is a national secret

⁉️: I'm still getting my karma made

KillMe: what what did you do...

⁉️: I filled Giorno's pudding with moths :D

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TheGoldenSucc: YOU WHAT

⁉️: oh don't worry, I've been doing this for months and you seem to like it!

Girlboss: haha Gio ate moth pudding everyone point and laugh

⁉️: oh I did that with all of you, Gio isn't special

EmoGworl: EWWW

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