Part Thirty: My Living Legend

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It was something you'd never really imagine would happen, at least not these days. When Brian told you about it, you were filled with excitement, but he was also quick to keep you grounded as it wasn't something sure to happen. Still, just the mere thought of it made you so happy and proud of him that you couldn't help but smile every time you thought about it.

Katya's management team had put her debut album, Vampire Fitness up for consideration at the Grammys. The nominations were coming out today, which also just so happened to be your anniversary. You woke up alone in bed, and not for the first time that day as you vaguely remember Brian entering the room to press a kiss to your head before he told you he was leaving.

Much to your dislike, Trixie and Katya were filming some video content to be presented at the Streamy Awards, a ceremony that they would also be hosting. Which not only meant that he'd be gone through most of your anniversary day, but also that you wouldn't be by his side in case of a nomination.

You blindly searched for your phone to check what time it was and instantly almost had a heart attack when you realised that you were already 15 minutes late to the YouTube stream. Brian had called you five times already and you texted him back as you almost sprinted down the stairs to tune in.

You were on time, gladly. Somebody was still giving a speech about... probably music? You thought as you didn't catch the first few minutes of it. You smile as you pace back and forth, it's not everyday that you stand naked in front of your boyfriend's TV as you wait for his name, or better, his alter ego's name to be announced as a Grammy nominee. Then you notice your phone buzzing on the couch, immediately recognising the FaceTime notification.


"Just a sec" You said as you picked up the phone, not wanting to ignore another call, sprinting back upstairs to put on some clothes, the camera only capturing your face.

"Are you naked?" Brian starts, and you already want to kill him if he said those words in front of a crew.

"I'm the same way as you left me" You answer, hearing a familiar wicked chuckle before hearing gagging noises. Trixie.

"Gross" You quickly catch the famous black eyeliner as you dig into Brian's closet. Settling for a black shirt with some goth shit on it, a classic.

"I thought you were putting on a show..." Brian pouts when he notices you're already dressed. You thought about at least 10 different answers for that, but you chose to spare Trixie from them.

"In your dreams, McCook" You grab your phone from the bed and walk out of the room, making your way back downstairs.

"Jesus Christ, so many categories..." Trixie tells you as she searches for lists from previous years.

"We're gonna be stuck here a while" You sigh, just wanting everything to work out.

At this point, 8 categories and its nominees had already been announced. The queens had been on a bit of a break as they waited for the cameras and lightning to be ready, but they were being called back on set now, so you'd have to watch it alone.


"Now onto the Dance/ Electronic Music categories..."

You hear from the loud TV in front of you and you're sure they heard it as well as a deafening silence installed itself for a brief moment before a symphony of curse words left the three of you all at once.

"Fucking hell"
"Holy shit"

"And the nominees for Best Dance/Electronic Recording are:"

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