Part Nine: It's Not Like That {1}

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It's 8 AM and you wake up, your alarm started going off. You reach to your nightstand to grab your phone, silencing the alarm, your heart races in an instant as you see Brian's name in your messages. You'll finally see him after you got home, you had talked over the phone and texted each other over the last few days but that was it. You could feel that the both of you were holding back, maybe for different reasons, maybe not...

Being in each other's presence now meant a sudden lost of control, intense exchanges of looks, unnecessary touches and uncertainty about the future. You had already planned how you were gonna act around him, as an attempt to at least make things look more casual to your friends, and him. You were definitely having a hard time trying to read into his emotions and actions, he could be the sweetest to you, but also have a tendency to distance himself whenever he would feel that the conversation would end up being about your relationship. If you didn't know any better, it was almost as if he was afraid you would reject him or something of the sort.

Today they were taking pictures for the Trixie and Katya Live tour and he had asked if you could come with him, which of course you said yes. You were almost ready now, you sent him a message letting him know that you would be over there soon.


When knocking on his door you could feel your racing heart pounding against your chest, swallowing down all of those nerves when he opened the door and you saw him standing in front of you. His face covered in foundation, looking like Voldemort's lost brother, making you laugh and forget about any trace of anxiety you had before.

"Laughing at what exactly, bitch?" he said sneering playfully at you and welcoming you in.

"What kind of community theatre version of Harry Potter are auditioning for?"

"You goddamn bitch, that's it- out of my house" he said trying to sound serious but failing miserably as he starts wheezing.

You walked over to the table where he was getting ready. It felt heartwarming somehow to see the whole process, you just loved being around him, especially now that you could consider the two of you close. You sat there in a comfortable silence for a bit, you took this opportunity to ask him about how things with Trixie went over after the Palm Springs incident.

"Did you talk to Trixie after we got back?" you asked feeling cautious about the whole thing.

"I did, yeah... we're okay now, it's fine" he sighed. "(Y/N), about what Trixie said, I want you to know that I would never hurt you, you're too special for me and... yeah" he said honestly, but you noticed that he regretted those last words as soon as they left his mouth.

You didn't really know what to say, it was the first time you really saw him being so sincere. You gave him a gentle smile and as you were about to answer him, he quickly changed the subject, clearly afraid of what you were gonna say. Did he think you felt indifferent about him? Shit... this is the last thing you would want him to think.

"Which one do you like better, the purple or the blue one?" he asked, showing you the two eyeshadows.

"The blue one" you said pointing at it.

"The hooker one Miss (Y/N). You'll be getting a sluttier version of me today then" he says giving you a wink, back to the playful atmosphere.

"Who says that's not what I want, Miss Zamo?" you say, giving him a smirk. Things were getting hot and you just knew that if it wasn't for him getting in drag now, he would go for it.

"We'll save that for later then..." he answers, biting his lip. "Ok, I'm gonna get dressed now" he says getting up.

"What about your lipstick?" you ask confused.

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